
How to stop bugged update from installing ?

That's just it. This update is bugged and gives me an awful display experience. I installed windows several times to track it down, and I finally did. Now I need a way to not install it. And uninstalling it after it gets installed is not a solution. If it starts bugging my display it'll stay bugged after the install too.

So, how do I stop this update from installing ?

Hello Marron,

Since you have Windows 10 Pro, you can disable automatic updates with group policy.

Windows Update Automatic Updates - Enable or Disable in Windows 10

Afterwards, you should be able to hide the update using the tutorial below to no longer have it available in Windows Update before it gets installed.

Windows Updates - Hide or Show in Windows 10

Hello Marron,

Since you have Windows 10 Pro, you can disable automatic updates with group policy.

Windows Update Automatic Updates - Enable or Disable in Windows 10

Afterwards, you should be able to hide the update using the tutorial below to no longer have it available in Windows Update before it gets installed.

Windows Updates - Hide or Show in Windows 10
As always, Brink. A nice and clean answer. I wonder why I never find the links you send me before asking though. Anyway, that's not so important.

But since you're here, I'll take my chance and ask something else too.
Do you know any way to efficiently cut one user's internet access ? My mum wants my little brother to have no internet access.

Anyway, thanks. I managed to hide that update before it gets installed (after reinstalling windows a couple of times). Hopefully, that solved the problem.

Hello Marron,

Since you have Windows 10 Pro, you can disable automatic updates with group policy.

Windows Update Automatic Updates - Enable or Disable in Windows 10

Afterwards, you should be able to hide the update using the tutorial below to no longer have it available in Windows Update before it gets installed.

Windows Updates - Hide or Show in Windows 10
And @Brink, is it safe to turn automatic updates back on ?

Sure, it's safe if you want them back on.

Sure, it's safe if you want them back on.

Sure, it's safe if you want them back on.
You know ? I'm 100% sure I hid that update. I'm sure I did. I even checked for updates after that and checked to see if that update is discovered. And it was not there. Yet, now I see it installed ... Does that 'hide updates not hide the updates forever ? I checked to see if it's still hidden but doing 'show hidden updates' and all it says is "You're all set, there aren't any hidden updated to show."

This is driving me nuts now. Why is it so hard to simply not install one update ?

When you hide an update, it will usually stay hidden until you unhide and install it, or a new version of the update (ex: drivers) is released.

How to stop bugged update from installing ?