
Desktop Context Menu: New No .txt file in there. How to add etc.

Hello Everyone,

I recently noticed in the Desktop Context Menu: New no longer has the .txt file option. Does anybody know why? If it is legitly gone how do I add it back into the context menu?

Before windows 10 on the task bar when you right click on an icon you were able to drag and drop a file onto the desktop and with Windows 10 they removed that option. Does anybody know if they will ever bring it back and why they removed it? Also, is there away to put it back with a hack? Awesome past feature that I used religiously. Pissed it is gone.

Anybody use Notepad++ and know the reason why when you save a document that it no longer saves with a .txt extension etc? Any fix on this or know why?

Thank you everyone for your help. I really do appreciate it.

Hello mrje1, and welcome to windowssh blog.

This may be able to help restore your New -> Text Document context menu item.

New Context Menu - Restore Default Items in Windows 10

If not, then you might see if downloading and merging the .reg file for the list txtitem in the tutorial below may help. It will restore the default association and registry entries for .txt files.

Default File Type Associations - Restore in Windows 10

Hello mrje1, and welcome to windowssh blog.

This may be able to help restore your New -> Text Document context menu item.

New Context Menu - Restore Default Items in Windows 10

If not, then you might see if downloading and merging the .reg file for the list txtitem in the tutorial below may help. It will restore the default association and registry entries for .txt files.

Default File Type Associations - Restore in Windows 10
Hi Brink...Thank you! Do you have that problem? Any ideas why it would of happened? Also, if I go to defaults I have other ones I would like to keep in there. How can I place those back in?

Thank you!

You're most welcome.

I don't have that problem. Anything that messes with the registry or file association could cause that.

I'm not sure what you mean by "How can I place those back in?" in defaults. Could you provide more details?

I'm not sure what you mean by "How can I place those back in?" in defaults. Could you provide more details?
Sure! If I am understanding correctly, if I set the Context Menu: New to it's default, will I lose other context menu options like for example I use a program called List Pro. That program is in the context menu. If I follow your instructions to setting the defaults will it remove that program and others or will they still be located in the context menu?

I hope I explained better.

Thank you again. I am greatly appreciative of you and your help.

Ah, ok.

It'll only add the default ones back. It will not remove anything.

Ah, ok.

It'll only add the default ones back. It will not remove anything.
Awesome! I tried the first and it did not bring back the .txt file option to the New Context Menu! Any other options?

Did you restart the PC to see if that may apply it?

Was it replaced by another program? For example, Notepad++

Did you restart the PC to see if that may apply it?

Was it replaced by another program? For example, Notepad++
Yes I did! In the Context Menu New there is no Notepad++, but I did set Notepad++ via the Open with context menu to open all .txt files. Just to let you know, I did this option before with the .txt option in the context menu new.

Desktop Context Menu: New No .txt file in there. How to add etc.