I have a problem that has just started over the last week or so. If I hover my mouse over the start button on my Windows 10 machine, the entire screen flickers. I am still able to click on the links on the toolbar most of the time. Sometimes when I click on a link on the toolbar it will "refresh" the toolbar. When I try to "show hidden icons" in the bottom right of the screen, it will also "refresh" the toolbar. All of this means that I cannot access these hidden icons or use the start menu. I can use shortcut keys to accomplish most of the tasks that I want to, but this is starting to become a problem. I have re-installed my graphics drivers and that doesn't seem to have helped. I have tried running SFC /scannow, but it fails at about 28%. I have tried to run chkdsk /f and it fails at about 17%. I have tried to reset my computer, and it fails at about 17%. I am running out of things to try. Does anyone know anything about what this could be and if so, how to fix it?
Hello Scott,
Welcome to the windowssh blog
What message do you get when the SFC and CHKDSK tests fail? Please post them so that we can help. These tests can take a long time to run, be prepared to leave them for 1 hr or more if you have a lot of files and disk space to check.
This is an indication that the HDD is about to fail at any minute. Backup your files immediately and replace the HDD.I have tried to run chkdsk /f and it fails at about 17%
When SFC fails, it gives me the message "Windows Resource Protection could not perform the requested operation". This is at 27% complete.
When I run CHKDSK /F, the system restarts, begins "Scanning and repairing drive (C, and then jumps from 45% to 100%. The system then restarts. All seems well with ChkDsk today.
I think the failure that I remember being at 17% was the "Reset the System" in Recovery.
A more comprehensive test of the hard disk is provided by Seatools and this will work on any disk.
Run following tests
1.Short Drive Self Test
2.Short generic
3.Long generic
If the short generic fails you can stop testing.
Ok thanks, I'll try that tonight when I get home from work.
Ok, I tested the drive on all three of these tests and it passed on all.
OK, I think we can put aside the worry that your hard disk might be failing. Can you tell me a bit more about your system? How much memory do you have? What version of W10? 32bit or 64bit? Details of motherboard? Hard disk size? Size of Power supply? All this might help us track down a possible cause.
System Specs - Fill in at windowssh blog
I've updated most of the info that you asked for. I am not sure about the PSU. It is 64-bit version of Windows 10. This is just odd, because everything worked fine for a few weeks after upgrading to W10, but now all of a sudden I have this problem.
Anyone have any thoughts on how to fix this? Or can someone point me in the direction of some test to run?