
Removing monitor.exe

I have tried to remove monitor.exe with the command prompt to no avail. I've tried with the task manager and, I couldn't even find it there. This file or whatever it is won't allow me to install Autodesk 3ds.Max 2014 student version. The message I get says monitor.exe is running and to click OK to start the program installation. Clicking OK does nothing. What can I do to get rid of this annoyance? Any discussion or suggestion will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Have you tried to run the install in compatibility mode? Right click on the programs .exe and select Troubleshoot Compatibility.

Yes! I've tried every way to download and install. I've used different browsers even. I just want to remove monitor.exe so I won't be bothered with this installation problem again. As far as I know it is safe to remove monitor.exe.

"monitor.exe" doesn't seem to be part of system but probably from another program. Search for it as a file and see which program/s it may belong to.

I've searched the task manager, couldn't find monitor.exe under any process. I tried using command prompt to get rid of it but, the command I was told to use comes up invalid. After doing a web search about this problem with monitor.exe. I found that many others have this same issue. There are many comments about monitor.exe. Some say it is a Microsoft process, others say it is an individual program process. I searched in every nook and cranny of my computer to find and destroy monitor.exe but, it must be well hidden by a devious jerk to piss people off. I don't want to completely restore my computer's O/S but, that may end up being the only alternative.

Here, grab this: Download Everything Search Engine - MajorGeeks it can find any file on disk/s with same name.

I can't believe this. I found monitor.exe using the search engine you suggested. I deleted monitor.exe and, then tried to install 3ds. Max 2014. The same damn message came up that monitor.exe is running. Is there something else I should have done when I found monitor.exe to get rid of this annoyance?

I can't believe this. I found monitor.exe using the search engine you suggested. I deleted monitor.exe and, then tried to install 3ds. Max 2014. The same damn message came up that monitor.exe is running. Is there something else I should have done when I found monitor.exe to get rid of this annoyance?
You rebooted after removing it, did you ? Did you find which program the belong to ?

Yes! I rebooted. When I tried to install the program, that damn message appeared, monitor.exe is running.

Yes! I rebooted. When I tried to install the program, that damn message appeared, monitor.exe is running.
Which program was it associated to ? Just because it's .exe it doesn't mean it's self contained program but could be called from another application.

Removing monitor.exe