
4/18/16 Partially down

Running newly installed Windows 10. System was partially down with Chrome and File Explorer not working. Could not access exterior drive from File Explorer. Ran Malwarebytes and Anti Virus. No problem. Could access Firefox and Internet Explorer. Saw one Error message *Windows can't connect to service* After 4 hours a dashed circle began spinning for 20 minutes. Then system back to normal. I have no idea what happened. Was this a problem with my Internet Service provider. Any input?

Running newly installed Windows 10. System was partially down with Chrome and File Explorer not working. Could not access exterior drive from File Explorer. Ran Malwarebytes and Anti Virus. No problem. Could access Firefox and Internet Explorer. Saw one Error message *Windows can't connect to service* After 4 hours a dashed circle began spinning for 20 minutes. Then system back to normal. I have no idea what happened. Was this a problem with my Internet Service provider. Any input?
Hi needhelp1 and welcome to windowssh blog.

If FF and IE were working and connecting to sites, then it wasn't your ISP. File Explorer wouldn't normally be affected by internet issues either. No idea what happened here. Have you had a look in Reliability History for clues? Are you using a firewall other than the in-built Windows one?

Hi needhelp1 and welcome to windowssh blog.

If FF and IE were working and connecting to sites, then it wasn't your ISP. File Explorer wouldn't normally be affected by internet issues either. No idea what happened here. Have you had a look in Reliability History for clues? Are you using a firewall other than the in-built Windows one?
It seems from the history reliability look I shut down my System improperly. Was used to forcing shut downs with Win7 but evidently is a bad practice. My Windows tech knowledge is *there for the Grace of Windows go I*
Thanks for the informative reply likely found the culprit. Me.

It seems from the history reliability look I shut down my System improperly. Was used to forcing shut downs with Win7 but evidently is a bad practice. My Windows tech knowledge is*there for the Grace of Windows go I*
Thanks for the informative reply likely found the culprit. Me.
I love it! Yeah, never force a shutdown unless you must. Cheers!

... Was used to forcing shut downs with Win7 but evidently is a bad practice.
Thanks for the informative reply likely found the culprit. Me.
Yes, forcing a shutdown is "bad practice", but it is also sometimes the only option. If a critical function in Windows is waiting on an event that will never happen, and if that critical function is required to perform a clean shutdown, then you have no choice.

I've had to do a forced shutdown of Win10 probably about once a week because of a hang situation. I'm hoping a clean reinstall of Windows will fix the problem, but until then I will have to do an occasional forced shutdown.

4/18/16 Partially down