
default folder explorer.exe

I have a problem on windows 10... sudenly there was a change to the default program that opens folders from explorer.exe to cmd. So if I doubleclick a folder it says there is no program assigned to it and doesnt open. Still if I rightclick and click open it opens no problem. How can I make explorer.exe open folder as default again?

Hi, if you have no restore points or disk images to back up your system so you can recover without technical help, please try this
Default File Type Associations - Restore in Windows 10 - Windows 10 blog

and find 'Folder'

Follow the instructions and post back the result. Good luck!

I already tried this and it didnt work :-/

Ok, good, is there anything else you've tried?

Technical fixes here.
Windows 7 Double Click on Folder opens Command prompt
Granted, these are for Win 7, but I'd guess these should be applicable.
Therefore, before you try this, make sure
- System Restore is enabled
- set a manual restore point.

Another option (I can't tell you if it's any different to what you've tried, of course) but useful to know:
Tweaking.com's Repair tool.

Cautious, helps you back up before a repair, select only the repair you need. (Folder assocation)

I have a problem on windows 10... sudenly there was a change to the default program that opens folders from explorer.exe to cmd. So if I doubleclick a folder it says there is no program assigned to it and doesnt open. Still if I rightclick and click open it opens no problem. How can I make explorer.exe open folder as default again?
Just in case. Please check the following settings..............
Open File Explorer Options > General tab .
Under Click items as follows heading, is there a dot at Double click to open an item ?
If not, dot it > OK when done.

Ok, good, is there anything else you've tried?

Technical fixes here.
Windows 7 Double Click on Folder opens Command prompt
Granted, these are for Win 7, but I'd guess these should be applicable.
Therefore, before you try this, make sure
- System Restore is enabled
- set a manual restore point.

Another option (I can't tell you if it's any different to what you've tried, of course) but useful to know:
Tweaking.com's Repair tool.

Cautious, helps you back up before a repair, select only the repair you need. (Folder assocation)
Thank you that windows 7 types really helped. So if someone else have this problem:Just go to regedit andin HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTDirectory delete folders with "cmd" name
or just call your friend with same system and get his Directory regs.

Thank you for help dalchina

default folder explorer.exe