
SOLVED-Blank screen after reset windows 10

I started doing a full clean reset of windows 10 about 30+hours ago and all I have is my monitor lights blinking as if the computer is turned off but the computer is running. I have a 2tb external connected could that be why its taking so long or is this not a normal thing, please any help would be greatly appreciated as I am worried something is messed up.


It is not normal to be taking 30+ hours. Do you have a light that indicates hard disk activity and is it flashing?

If not I would suspect the system has frozen and so you will need to turn it off, remove the plug, wait for a minute or two and see what happens when you reconnect the power and start up.


It is not normal to be taking 30+ hours. Do you have a light that indicates hard disk activity and is it flashing?

If not I would suspect the system has frozen and so you will need to turn it off, remove the plug, wait for a minute or two and see what happens when you reconnect the power and start up.
The light on my external 2tb hdd is on if that is what you're asking? (The light is on solid no blinking)

No I was asking about the light that is sometimes present on a desktop or laptop for the built in hard disk.

No I was asking about the light that is sometimes present on a desktop or laptop for the built in hard disk.
im not seeing any lights so i will try what you said about turning it off. Thank you for the quick responses!

Some folks have reported on other blog that having external WD drives plugged in during boot causes problems.

I have not noticed that with mine, but then, I have not enabled the WD encryption features on mine.

You might try disconnecting the external drive and see if that makes any difference.

Good Luck

Some folks have reported on other blog that having external WD drives plugged in during boot causes problems.

I have not noticed that with mine, but then, I have not enabled the WD encryption features on mine.

You might try disconnecting the external drive and see if that makes any difference.

Good Luck
Thanks I tried doingg what philc43 said and it seems like everything is working fine.

Glad to hear you have everything working again. Have a look through some of the tutorials on this site to learn more about W10 and it's various features and options.

SOLVED-Blank screen after reset windows 10