
Hovering mouse shows a window

New user here.

I got a few problems regarding from my laptop. Apparently, I upgraded my Windows 7 to windows 10 and when I hover my cursor to the topmost right portion of the screen, a window pop up in a second.

This popup distracts me when I work, and I'll be grateful if there is a way to get rid of it.

I don't know much about this window, but it may be related to the problem above also. If it is, maybe there is a way to disable this.
Maybe disable "win+P" in the registry editor?

Appears to be some feature in Google Chrome (which I don't use). It's not Win 10 per se.
What is this "incognito window" thing on Google Chrome? | Yahoo Answers

You could:
-look for an option to disable it (if any)
-wait for someone familiar with Chrome to comment
-research it

Close Chrome, and see if either still appear to confirm both are Chrome related.

Sorry can't help more.

Appears to be some feature in Google Chrome (which I don't use). It's not Win 10 per se.
What is this "incognito window" thing on Google Chrome? | Yahoo Answers

You could:
-look for an option to disable it (if any)
-wait for someone familiar with Chrome to comment
-research it

Close Chrome, and see if either still appear to confirm both are Chrome related.

Sorry can't help more.
Thanks for replying.

Don't fret, I knew what incognito in Chrome is. This is not what you pay attention to. The problem is what in the top left is.
I researched what it is for days and I, and got no luck. But I knew that Google Chrome is per se not the problem because minimizing the window keeps showing up when I perform the same action before.

I will show you the reference again when I'm at the desktop.

I knew that the issue is automatically from the system itself, not from the program that I run when I start up.

I'd say that's from some program you have installed.

You can check what it is by installing Winspy++
WinSpy++ 1.7 | Catch22
- drag the crosshair finder tool over that window and see what it says.

Do you have Rainmeter installed?

I'd say that's from some program you have installed.

You can check what it is by installing Winspy++
WinSpy++ 1.7 | Catch22
- drag the crosshair finder tool over that window and see what it says.
That tool tracked me on what the problem is.

Apparently, this program is from System Explorer, a task manager application that I downloaded.
I don't think that It's really malware, and maybe I'll find a way to disable it.

Thank you for giving me a clue for finding a true answer. Maybe that tool will put me to good use in the future.

Good.. Tools like that can be useful.. there are lots of small utilities written by clever people...

Hovering mouse shows a window