
Windows 10 Icons too small


I find the new taskbar icons in Win 10 to be annoyingly small. Is there a way to make them appear bigger?

Thanks in advance. =)

I would like to know that too.

Right click Taskbar, Properties and untick "Use small taskbar buttons".

Open Settings, click on System, then Display.
Slide bar to right to suit, you can increase sizes by up to 225%.

Open Settings, click on System, then Display.
Slide bar to right to suit, you can increase sizes by up to 225%.
This made it feel like I had changed to a different resolution. So I had to change back.
It did work for making the icons larger, however.

I'm not sure there is a way to make the icons larger and I agree they are a bit small. There is an option to make them smallerwhich makes them minute. If enough of us complain perhaps they will issue a fix!

I am not sure if anyone else is getting something like this? The icons looked fine before and then they just changed. All of my older icons before my upgrade look okay but its just when I pin them to the taskbar that they look so small.

Did this ever get resolved? I'm really having a hard time with small icons. !!!


I find the new taskbar icons in Win 10 to be annoyingly small. Is there a way to make them appear bigger?

Thanks in advance. =)

Did this ever get resolved? I'm really having a hard time with small icons. !!!
Nope, this hasn't been resolved yet.

Open Settings, click on System, then Display.
Slide bar to right to suit, you can increase sizes by up to 225%.
dont use this slider its broken for gaming.

Windows 10 Icons too small