
Windows 10 for new SSD

Hey guys. I have free windows 10 currently installed on my laptop. Im getting a 500gb SSD monday what i want to know is if i can install windows 10 directly to the SSD and have it not require me to put in a product key since i already have it on this laptop. Like will it work if i just install windows 10 to the SSD without a product key?

That will probably not work without a key. And make sure you align your SSD before using it.

SSD Alignment - Windows 7 Help blog

Hey guys. I have free windows 10 currently installed on my laptop. Im getting a 500gb SSD monday what i want to know is if i can install windows 10 directly to the SSD and have it not require me to put in a product key since i already have it on this laptop. Like will it work if i just install windows 10 to the SSD without a product key?
That will probably not work without a key.
I think, if you upgraded from a qualifying OS to W10, and the laptop is showing as "activated", then you should have no problem changing from a spinner to a SSD. When you go changing things like the motherboard or processor, then you would be required to have a key.

Why not download a copy of Macrium Freeware and do a clone to your new drive? or image it? There are many help files in Macrium to explain the process.

Since the computer has already been activated with Windows 10, you should be able to do a clean install to a new drive (SSD or HDD) and not enter a key. If asked, click on Skip. It should activate on it's own.

What OS was on the computer before it was upgraded to Windows 10?

It was Windows 8.1

Simply clone the drive from your current HD to your new SSD.

You will NOT need to register windows again OR any of your programs. It will be as if nothing happened except your computer will be like 400% faster! You are gonna love it! I will never use a physical drive again!

That will probably not work without a key. And make sure you align your SSD before using it.

SSD Alignment - Windows 7 Help blog
I have 3 towers with SSD drives and have not done this ,nor have I even seen it being suggested, all my drives work just fine ,is it really necessary for win10 or is it just a win7 issue, that link is 5 years old ,is it possible that win10 doesn't has that issue with SSD anymore ?

That will probably not work without a key. And make sure you align your SSD before using it.

SSD Alignment - Windows 7 Help blog

Absolutely no need to align ssd for Os install. It is all done automatically.

Absolutely no need to align ssd for Os install. It is all done automatically.
I believe this is what @whs was referring to, in case the OP decides to "clone"

SSD Alignment - Windows 7 Help blog


If you install Windows7 on a brand new SSD, you need not make any special arrangements because the Windows7 installer will do the alignment for you. For Vista you are lucky because the start sector happens to match a SSD page. For XP the start sector is 126 which would be in the middle of a SSD page, thus a prior alignment is required. A similar situation is present when you clone an existing OS (including Windows7) on a new SSD.

Windows 10 for new SSD