
Problems when doing a clean install of windows 10

Hi all well I have had nothing but problems with hp. I upgraded to windows 10 from windows 8.1 about almost a year ago and everything was going great then all of a sudden start up was soooo slow. Things began to freeze. So a geek suggested I do a clean install of windows ten. Well then some how it kicked all my hp systems stuff out like my windows hp cooling sense. I cannot seem to down load it or anything. I cannot get it back on this computer. I am frustrated. Can anyone help me with trying to get first of all my hp coolingsense back up and running?

Hi! At first this seems like a hardware problem since your sudden start up and speed problem. J.K it sounds like a software problem. But just to be sure, run diagnostics on your P.C. Specifically for the Hard Drive and RAM and maybe CPU.

What did that "Geek" tell you? I know they told you to reinstall windows but if they knew a lot about computers, they should have told you to make a back up of all of your data. A bootable backup if you are deleting an entire OS. But that's in the past.

As for your missing program, did it come bundled with the OS? What about the computer as a separate program? Please reply with the PC you own for help related to that. I think you should contact HP about your missing program problem. Maybe they can send you the file to redownload it. That is, if you even can.

Just for future reference, please be more specific on your problem. Not trying to be rude or anything but it will be easier to help you when you're more specific on things.

I would go to the official HP website and look for all the drivers for your Motherboard, Chipset, Audio, Video, Lan, Wifi, Etc.

If you don't know what drivers you need most major computer manufactures have a program you can download to auto detect what computer you have, If the HP computer cannot connect to the website you will have to copy them to a USB drive and install them, For Most people this works.

It may help in the future if you follow this tutorial and fill out your system specs, That way people will be able to help you better.

System Specs - Fill in at windowssh blog

It is very important that you go to the official HP website, There are many scammers out there.

I did not mean to be so hard for everyone. I do have a part ion of the drive as a recovery and also on my external hard drive as back up as well. Here are my spec's attached. Also I tried to describe my issue the best way I knew how I am sorry if it is not perfect. I did by the way back up my stuff I know to do that. I will go to ho website and download the drives. Thanks

So there you have it,

I did not mean to be so hard for everyone. I do have a part ion of the drive as a recovery and also on my external hard drive as back up as well. Here are my spec's attached. Also I tried to describe my issue the best way I knew how I am sorry if it is not perfect. I did by the way back up my stuff I know to do that. I will go to ho website and download the drives. Thanks

So there you have it,

Good luck

Okay well all my drivers are up to date. It is just the hp software is not there like coolsense and hp helper.

What web page did you go to, Look on the page for another tab that say's software and or user manual.

Most people usually delete stuff like that as soon as they get their computers.

See this post on HP blog for Coolsense.

Or here

Okay I tried the link here is the situation. It says I needed Windows framework which took me to IE to download. I tried downloading it and well it tells me when I try to download it, that I already have Microsoft framework. So there is a serious problem here when trying to download the coolsense.

Okay I tried the link here is the situation. It says I needed Windows framework which took me to IE to download. I tried downloading it and well it tells me when I try to download it, that I already have Microsoft framework. So there is a serious problem here when trying to download the coolsense.
I think you mean Microsoft .NET Framework. Did it say WHICH .NET Framework? If so, try going to control panel and uninstalling it.

Problems when doing a clean install of windows 10