
crazy font in windows 10

I recently upgraded to windows 10 from windows 7. Today morning, when I started my PC, I faced weird wingdings fonts everywhere.

I ran rebuild font cache bat file from here

Font Cache - Rebuild in Windows 10 - Windows 10 blog

Then my windows 10 showed very few fonts in the system after I restarted, then I installed fonts from my external storage hard drive. Then the problem was almost solved. Howerver, now I am getting weird font in firefox browser.

Here is the screenshot.

This font also comes in "next" and "cancel" buttons of software installers. What should I do to fix this problem?

Have you tried the "Restore default font settings" button in Control PanelAll Control Panel ItemsFontsFont settings?

Have you tried the "Restore default font settings" button in Control PanelAll Control Panel ItemsFontsFont settings?
Thanks. I just did that. However, problem isn't solved. Firefox is still showing the messed up fonts.

Thanks. I just did that. However, problem isn't solved. Firefox is still showing the messed up fonts.
You might need to go into FF's Options menu and set it up so:

Options/content/fonts & colors/Advanced

Thanks! That fixed it! Thank you so much!

You're welcome, I'm glad it worked

I just started my pc again. Unfortunately my fonts went missing and I had to reinstall them. This trouble has returned again. The methods listed are not working anymore. What should I do?

I just started my pc again. Unfortunately my fonts went missing and I had to reinstall them. This trouble has returned again. The methods listed are not working anymore. What should I do?
Do you have a copy of you Windows 10 ISO?


Do you have a copy of you Windows 10 ISO?
actually I dowloaded system fonts from here How to restore System/Default fonts in Windows 10 in 2 minutes - YouTube. I did an overwrite of my fonts.

Thanks. My font problem is solved now

crazy font in windows 10