
Cursor looks weird and jagged

Ok I just got a new computer (asus m32) and installed windows 10 on it, and after installing all my apps and stuff, i added the cursor pack that i always use, and was met with this:

after messing around trying to figure this out, i found that if i open magnifier, the cursor magically becomes normal;

Video driver?
Screen resolution?

Intel HD graphics 530, 2560*1080

Try stepping back further from your flatscreen. You are going to see it like that if you have the camera close to your flat screen or sit really close to it. You are seeing the Pixels that make up the mouse, not some unknown problem. The bigger the screen, the farther away you have to be.

Try stepping back further from your flatscreen. You are going to see it like that if you have the camera close to your flat screen or sit really close to it. You are seeing the Pixels that make up the mouse, not some unknown problem. The bigger the screen, the farther away you have to be.
that's not the problem... the first pic is the problem, the second pic is how it should look,

that's not the problem... the first pic is the problem, the second pic is how it should look,
The problem is that the higher the resolution, the higher the dpi for the cursor. That means change the resolution to something like 1280x800 or sit farther back.

What the cursor pack you use?

I don't see much difference in your pic - why not use native cursors (you can choose from a few)

What the cursor pack you use?

I don't see much difference in your pic - why not use native cursors (you can choose from a few)
crystal clear material black (mini) i think is what its called, but its not just the cursor pack, i've noticed that even some of the default cursors are messed up a little (the standard link cursor's outline is jagged/missing a little, and the busy cursor has a weird black outline.

Also, again, when I open windows' built in magnifier, and set it to 100%, everything looks perfect,

Thanks, I want to clarify that I didn't see much difference between native cursors and the cursor pack. The way I worded it sounds as though I don't see a difference in the pics you posted.

See if anything in here helps narrow down a solution.

DPI Scaling Level for Displays - Change in Windows 10 - Windows 10 blog

Resolution, scaling monitor, GPU, etc - there are a lot of connected things and it's difficult to determine which piece is creating an issue.

Experiment with various parts, BUT write down the settings before making any changes. Make one change at a time to see how it affects your display.

If a change doesn't help -set it back to what it was. I've made too many changes at one time and found that I couldn't get back to where I started.

There are also a few settings that affect cursors, for example:
System Properties > Advanced System settings > Advanced tab > Performance settings button > Shadows under mouse pointers

I can't explain why the magnifier automagically solvesthe issue

Cursor looks weird and jagged