
Start menu not working

The Windows 10 start menu has stopped working. If I click on the Start button, nothing happens. I did a repair install and that corrected the problem for a few days. The problem has returned. No start menu. All updates have been installed. Does anyone have a fix for this?

Not experiencing anything like that myself. Did you disable any services? I played around with disabling Cortana and removing the search box from the taskbar and it caused the start menu to be delayed for a moment, but it still popped up.

I looked over the services. I didn't see anything unusual and I didn't change any settings there. I disabled the search box from the taskbar right after installation. The start menu was still working at that point.

I created an image of the hard drive after the last installation when everything was working. I could restore the image and take it from there. But I would like to know what is causing the problem.

I created an image of the hard drive after the last installation when everything was working. I could restore the image and take it from there. But I would like to know what is causing the problem.
Possibly look over the services and see what you have, then pop in the imaged drive and look to see if anything is different? About all I know to do. Other than to reinstall.

i had that problem for 2 days, issue went away today

The Windows 10 start menu has stopped working. If I click on the Start button, nothing happens. I did a repair install and that corrected the problem for a few days. The problem has returned. No start menu. All updates have been installed. Does anyone have a fix for this?

This problem was fixed by the patch MS issued yesterday, if you're still having it, make sure you download the latest updates.

All updates have been installed. I just checked to be sure. The problem remains.

Re install from your image.

I've had this issue twice in the last 2 days after using System Restore and ensuring all Windows Updates are installed (even KB3036140) and still no Start Menu, Search or Notifications. However I did find a way to fix this issue without reinstalling and that is to follow BrinksTutorial below.

Apps - Re-register in Windows 8 and 10

Note 1: To be able to access Windows PowerShell you need to Right Click on the Start button and from the Win X menu select Search then type in "Windows PowerShell" without the quotes.

Note 2: If Windows PowerShell is unreadable when it opens see the images below to make it readable and you will need to close and reopen PowerShell for the changes to take effect.

Start menu not working