I run 3 computers (all windows 10 - 2x 32 bit + 1x 64 bit)
On Friday update KB3194496 came on the scene. End result being that 2 computers operate with no problems, but the third has lost its internet connection.
The moment this update is applied, my network and sharing page shows a change from private to public, and despite every little workaround - it resolutely refuses to connect to the internet.
The moment that update is removed, all returns to normal. Any ideas chaps - have not seen any other reports of this problem so far. I like windows 10 - but everytime one of their huge updates arrive, there seems to be problems of various kinds reported by users.
Double-posted, follow the other one in General Support as others have replied to it.
It would seem that my post in General support has disappeared? - so I will use this to continue the thread.
When I did get previously to the 'disappeared thread' - before it vanished there was a request for further information, which I now provide
I have one windows 10 PC which is 64 bit windows Pro
Both the others are Windows 10 - 32bit Windows home edition ONE OF THESE is the rogue machine.
Has anyone else experienced this loss of internet problem.
I get the impression that KB3194496 will be yet another problematic issue from MS.
Your thoughts and help would be appreciated.
@Skofab No, not disappeared. The Mods seem to have moved it to a more appropriate board:
Windows Updates and Activation
It's here: Update KB3194496 = No internet !!!!!
(happened to one of mine too)
Sorry, don't have an answer. I've done 2 Desktops and just finishing a 7th Notebook, no problems so far.
Thanks everyone - my unfamiliarity with the various sections, made me misplace the original post Of course Windows updates and activation seems the obvious choice.
I can report that (hopefully) all is now well.
Firstly KB3194496 lost my internet connection (on one 32 bit PC only)
With the update uninstalled, all returned to 'normal'
Sometime this evening KB3194496 was automaticallyinstalled once again by windows. It would appear(?) that this particular installation has been successful, and my internet connection has survived this time.
HOLD ON one moment - have just had a flash message saying that I need to restart my machine - lets hope that does not negate my earlier comments!
Thanks to all for your interest and comments - much appreciated
While we all await a fix for the update KB3194496, the main issue seems to be that some brands of WIFI controller do not get woken up from sleep mode properly. An easy workaround is to switch on flight mode, then turn it off, you should then see your router OK, just connect if needed.