hey, this is my first post so have mercy =x
Im not sure when the problem started, maybe after a update or installing a game or something..no clue, but recently i have been having connection issues with certain sites at random. Its the same sites every time but they either don't connect at all saying " this site can't be reached ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT" or they do work for a short while then cut to that error and maybe if it feels nice enough will work again for a bit.
im not sure what the problem is but from the windows network diagnostics its one or more network protocols missing
that cant be repaired (only fixed it once and it didn't bug me for a hour until happening again).
here is a image of the report if it helps i don't know
Any help getting rid of this problem for good would greatly be appreciated, Thanks
There is a long ongoing thread about this. If you look in the Tutorials, there is information on how to correct this.
Which tutorial? Link please.
could you send that link ?
Well, @bro67 doesn't seem to be replying, so I'll take a stab at it: I've found two solved threads. I guess you could start reading and see if any of the solutions in these help you. There certainly is no tutorial on this, that I could find.
Solved Network Protocols - Windows 10 blog
Solved One or more network protocols are missing, solution - Windows 10 blog
Midobatsu, when you ran the trouble shooter, did you change it to run as administrator?
That might not be enough though - the error is specific to Winsock registry entries
simrick pointed you to a few threads ... yesterday or the day before, I created a new thread based on many of the Missing protocolthreads and a few external references.
Here are a few things to try to Resolve network issues
There is one additional solutionthat is not included in that list - I'm not sure it's needed, but if none of those help, I'll be glad to offer it to you. To clear up any mystery, it deletes two registry entries which get rebuilt on a restart.
ill check them out tomorrow when i have a chance, been busy x .x, thanks for some info/ links ill tell you if they worked or not when i can
Sinrick I was buried up to my elbows, trying to deal with two servers that were giving me fits over the past week.
Have not had much time on here, because the servers are number one priority for a project that I am working on, for a group I belong to.
As forthr links. I do not post them, because the Search takes you right to them, if people started to learn how to use, instead of always depending on others to do their work for them.