Hi downloaded MediaCreationToolx64.exe and ran it. It was downloading successfully but due to unforeseen circumstances I had to abort it. I have tried to run it again but keeps telling me "There was a problem starting Setup. Close the tool, restart your PC, and then try running the tool again." restarting does not help. Could you please advise.
Go to your downloads folder and look for the MediaCreationToolx64.exe file. Delete it and start over from scratch.
Tried that but I still get the same response!!! Any other ideas please
Maybe try this:
Windows Update - Reset - Windows 7 Help blog
I don't see much connection between Windows Update and MCT - but it won't hurt to try. Sometimes Windows complains when there are two setup processes trying to run simultaneously.
Ran the batch files rebooted but no joy - As I said originally the process was working until I aborted. Since then I keep getting the message "problem starting setup". I even tried restoring to an earlier date without any success.
Do you have another computer you can download the ISO with?
Not another machine but I do have a virtual machine which I am now going to try - will keep you posted. Thank you for all your trouble so far
There may be a couple of hidden folders associated with that tool. $Windows~BT$ and $Windows~WS$ I think. Look for and delete those then start over. They are where the download is temporarily stored.
Thank you $Windows~BT$ can be deleted but $Windows~WS$ says open in another program I think it's "application experience" tried stopping the service but that did not help. The download does seem to be going in the virtual machine but it's extremely slow.
Boot to Safe Mode and you should be able to delete $Windows~WS$.