
Alfa AWUS036NH Wi-Fi Adapter Driver: Publisher MediaTek Blocked?

I have an Alfa AWUS036NH Wireless USB Wi-Fi Adapter, which has a Ralink RT2870 chip. Alfa don't have a Windows 10 driver, so I downloaded the driver from MediaTek (MediaTek bought Ralink a few years ago):

Their site says the driver is WHQL certified, but when I try to run it I get a dialog box saying the publisher has been blocked:

Clicking How do I unblock this publisher? just goes to a Bing search, which is not very helpful.

Hi Nigel, this is from the tutorial forum. See if it helps. Unblock File in Windows 10 .

Thanks, but it didn't work. I used the PS option:

get-childitem "D:DownloadsComputer DriversAlfa WirelessALFA AWUS036NH (Ralink RT2870) Wireless USB WiFi AdapterMediaTek (Ralink)" | unblock-file -confirm

How about this?
Fix “This Publisher has been Blocked from Running Software on your Machine” in Windows 10 - Technical Notes

How about this?
Thanks, this fixed it:

Fix 6: Run the Program Using Command Prompt

Thanks, this fixed it:

Fix 6: Run the Program Using Command Prompt
Great! Thanks for reporting back.
Please mark this thread as solved.

Great! Thanks for reporting back.
Please mark this thread as solved.
While running from CMD worked, I would still prefer to unblock the file, or at least figure out why it is blocked.

While running from CMD worked, I would still prefer to unblock the file, or at least figure out why it is blocked.
Now back home and tried on another PC, same problem.

Now back home and tried on another PC, same problem.
Just a WAG here, but, probably the OS is looking for a digital signature, and either it's corrupt, expired or missing.

Just a WAG here, but, probably the OS is looking for a digital signature, and either it's corrupt, expired or missing.
Yes, but how do I fix it? I've got it with another driver now ...

Alfa AWUS036NH Wi-Fi Adapter Driver: Publisher MediaTek Blocked?