
No update to 10240 on build 10162

Hey guys, I've just installed Windows 10 build 10162 in my computer.

I got the iso file from a torrenting site because Microsoft removed all the isos from the technical preview page, and I was late. I installed the iso in my pc, and then I checked for updates. No Windows updates were found.

Now, I've added my Microsoft account that is part of the Insider Preview, and still, no updates.

Am I too late for this, or should I wait?

EDIT: I did a clean install. my previous version was Windows 8.1.

get iso from mdl and clean install or get this one from a torrent, it's on kat

I had to go back to build 10166 and now I cannot update to 10240. Can Anyone here help me with this?

get iso from mdl and clean install or get this one from a torrent, it's on kat
What would be mdl?

I had to go back to build 10166 and now I cannot update to 10240. Can Anyone here help me with this?
Get the ISO and do an upgrade from that.

Get the ISO and do an upgrade from that.
I really want to avoid downloading an ISO from torrenting sites, but it seems like I will need to download the ISO if I want to use the latest build...

Get the ISO and do an upgrade from that.
Tried that and it will not work. I am at the point of telling MS they can keep win 10. Why can't they provide a ISO.? I have invested way to much of my time just trying to do an update. The ISO that I have is not a "TH1" if anyone has one can the PM me a link to it?

I endeavored to persevere and it finally worked. I had tried running the ISO from a usb drive and I guess it has to be in the windows 10 proper. I now also have Edge working and an ISO. Thanks Bunny Jeff!

I endeavored to persevere and it finally worked. I had tried running the ISO from a usb drive and I guess it has to be in the windows 10 proper. I now also have Edge working and an ISO. Thanks Bunny Jeff!
You're welcome .. glad you got it fixed.

No update to 10240 on build 10162