
Windows 10 automatic update "broke" wifi?

On the day Windows 10 was officially launched my Precision M3800 was "upgraded" from 8.1 and I've had no significant problems... until a few minutes ago.

I suddenly lost internet connection and the troubleshooter couldn't help, so I shut down via the button in Start8 (I can't be doing with tabletty things).

I noticed that the power button stayed lit up, which it shouldn't do, so eventually I held it down and the laptop booted up to (something like) "Windows update, do not turn off your computer, 100%". It stayed like that for some moments and then reverted back to the beginning and showed the percent progress up to 100% and booted up.

I had to get the troubleshooter to enable my wifi adapter (not alarming, as many laptops I've had have been occasionally unreliable in connecting on boot-up) and resumed what I was doing - and then the internet went down again, saying I have no connections available.

I shut down and restarted again and my usual connection showed "limited" so I chose the newer one (hope you know what I mean, the old one is 24 and the newer one is 5), which connected as limited at first and then normal.

Google has found me instances of older wifi being "broken" by the initial upgrade to Windows 10, but this was just an update, and my laptop is relatively new hardware.

Have others had problems with this latest update?

Can automatic updates be disabled in Windows 10? I understood not, and there's no Windows Update section in Control Panel. I desperately need this laptop not to shut down without warning, and certainly not to cut off my internet connection without warning

(Sorry this has taken a lot of words, but I wanted you to know more-or-less exactly what happened.)

The problem recurred yet again, but since the reboot I did on that occasion it's been OK. I won't mark this as Solved(unless Admin tells me to), because someone might be aware of action we could take to rectify it without having to reboot numerous times with crossed fingers.

The problem has not been resolved. I have a D-Link USB Wi-Fi adapter connected to my laptop and odds are about 50% that I will get a connection when it boots up. I don't bother rebooting, I just unplug the USB adapter and plug it back it, that usually results in a connection.

Even when I do get a connection it does not seem to be very stable and it does not work or is very slow with HomeGroup or local network. All the problems disappear when I connect the laptop with an Ethernet cable!

I'm keeping my fingers crossed too.

Have you tried updating your drivers?

odds are about 50% that I will get a connection when it boots up.
To be fair, I've had that problem with Windows7, too - not as frequently as 50% of boot-ups, tho, and the failures seem to come in phases and not recur for ages. I also have problems with seeing (let alone accessing) network and Homegroup since 8.1, but have made some forgotten changes found by Googling, which have helped.

Fracking, thank you - I have saved a link to the Dell network drivers, I'm going to wait and see how things go. Maybe I inadvertently interrupted the auto-update (because I had no indication that one was in progress) and that caused the problem.

I "work" on a Win7 laptop and am notgoing to upgrade it! I hate 8.1 so I did upgrade the M3800.

I have been doing a bit of searching and discovered that D-Link apologizes for not having Windows 10 drivers available for my Wi-Fi adapter. I also read that their Wi-Fi Connection Manager may be causing problems too. I have it installed on Windows 10 because I did an upgrade instead of a clean install. I think I will be doing a clean install of Windows 10 on that laptop soon. Everything works better after a clean install.

I uninstalled the D-Link connection manager and when I plugged the adapter into the port Windows could not find a driver. This Wi-Fi adapter is going into my parts box until D-Link comes out with a Windows 10 driver for it. I enabled the Wi-Fi built into the laptop and got a connection. I've tested it and it works fine so far. If I want speed now I guess I will have to connect the laptop to an Ethernet cable.

Now I am waiting for Windows 10 drivers from Asus, Samsung & D-Link. Didn't someone tell them that Windows 10 was coming?

I will have to connect the laptop to an Ethernet cable...

... ... Now I am waiting for Windows 10 drivers from Asus, Samsung & D-Link. Didn't someone tell them that Windows 10 was coming?
Tell me about cables - it's a wonder I haven't broken my neck yet Take care.

As for those respected electronics companies - am speechless!

Tell me about cables - it's a wonder I haven't broken my neck yet Take care.

As for those respected electronics companies - am speechless!
Apparently a lot of electronic components manufacturers didn't get the memo. A lot of us are tearing our hair out (and there's not a lot left) while blaming the stupid computers.

Windows 10 automatic update