
No mouse pointer after startup until i move the mouse

When windows starts up there is no mouse pointer, and will stay hidden until i move my mouse. This was the case without the logitech drivers; with the drivers installed but not running and with the drivers installed and running. So i doubt this is because of the drivers.

Power options are set at maximum performance.

Open Settings....in "find a Setting" box at top type mouse....this should give you several options to play with.

My son's Dell XPS 2710 works the same way, and it has Logitech drivers as well. This may be a "feature," not a "bug!" Do please let us know if you find a fix, however. Thanks for posting,

My son's Dell XPS 2710 works the same way, and it has Logitech drivers as well. This may be a "feature," not a "bug!" Do please let us know if you find a fix, however. Thanks for posting,
The thing is, this happened from the first time i started win10, before i even installed the logitech drivers. But i will keep looking, i might have a new mouse coming in soon (tesoro sagitta), if its the same thing with that one it must definitely be windows fault

And i have played around with all possible settings to no avail.

Both my laptops partly do this.

If I restart no pointer is visible. If I shutdown and then start the pointer is visible. One laptop has quickstart enabled, the other which is an old Acer does not. Both behave identically.

Still the same after the AU.

Its not a bug. I've a vague recollection that W8.1 did the same.

My USB devices have been "funky" since my upgrade to W10. Everything works, but there are annoying glitches: the initialization delay since the beginning. I also have to move the mouse after sleep before it is recognized, although it does come up on it's own if you wait long enough, and this behavior started after the Anniversary Update. I also have a "Safely Remove" icon permanently affixed to my Taskbar because W10 mistakenly sees a hub as a removable device.

I speculate that W10 has changed the protocol for driver instructions. So we are in a situation where either hardware manufacturers are going to have to release all new drivers for all their older devices that work on the new protocol, or do nothing, save the money, and wait for people to replace their hardware.

These problems have been going on long enough now that if it could have been fixed with an update it would have been.
2 cents

Might as well ignore it indeed, its not like its super annoying, tried a different mouse yesterday and still it only popped up if i moved it, who knows it might even get fixed in the long run

Thanks for all the replies though!

No mouse pointer after startup until i move the mouse