
Is there a Microsoft fix coming for the network problems?

I've read through most of the threads here on fixing the networking issues cause by the Windows update. But I don't want to start changing settings I don't understand, so I just rolled back the update to get things working again - This fixed three of my five networked computers but I still have a problem I can't fix by rolling back.

Two of my HTPC computers (are connected to my home TVs for streaming movies/TV/etc.) were having the network problem so I did a Win10 (Reset), and now I can connect to them but there are no "folders" to access. I can see the two computers (had to use my computer name/password) on each to get access, but all I have when I try to connect by clicking on the "computer icon" at File Explorer>Network is what looks like an empty folder (there are no subfolders like Public/Documents, User, etc.). it just opens like its an empty folder and won't let me copy anything to it.

So I can wait a little longer for an official MS fix - assuming one is coming. Does anyone know if Microsoft intends to fix this problem?

I ended up setting up a HomeGroup to solve the problem. And even that had problems since Windows thought I already had a HomeGroup ready to join but I didn't have its password (and it wouldn't let me start over with a new password). But I worked through that and now all my home computers are linked again.

I found an answer that fixed my issues with Th2 release and also the insider builds that
stopped me seeing my NAS, and 2 other external network drives in Explorer.

This is what I did and it fixed the issue:
Can't see NAS drives in your network on Windows 10? Here is the solution: 1/ run cmd as admin 2/ sc.exe config lanmanworkstation depend= bowser/mrxsmb10/nsi 3/ sc.exe config mrxsmb20 start= disabled Restart and you are done!
You will need to reboot the machine and remember to back up your install (preferably with Macrium)
before you start, just in case. I hope it helps you.

I found an answer that fixed my issues with Th2 release and also the insider builds that
stopped me seeing my NAS, and 2 other external network drives in Explorer.

This is what I did and it fixed the issue:
Can't see NAS drives in your network on Windows 10? Here is the solution: 1/ run cmd as admin 2/ sc.exe config lanmanworkstation depend= bowser/mrxsmb10/nsi 3/ sc.exe config mrxsmb20 start= disabled Restart and you are done!
You will need to reboot the machine and remember to back up your install (preferably with Macrium)
before you start, just in case. I hope it helps you.

Top man, That fixed my nas

I found an answer that fixed my issues with Th2 release and also the insider builds that
stopped me seeing my NAS, and 2 other external network drives in Explorer.

This is what I did and it fixed the issue:
Can't see NAS drives in your network on Windows 10? Here is the solution: 1/ run cmd as admin 2/ sc.exe config lanmanworkstation depend= bowser/mrxsmb10/nsi 3/ sc.exe config mrxsmb20 start= disabled Restart and you are done!
You will need to reboot the machine and remember to back up your install (preferably with Macrium)
before you start, just in case. I hope it helps you.
Tried that a couple of days ago and it didn't work for me. I actually got an error running it. But I didn't want to dig in any deeper as this networking stuff is magic to me.
Anyways the HomeGroup got me working (which is probably what Microsoft wanted me to use in the first place.

Is there a Microsoft fix coming for the network problems?