

I have two PCs, a desktop and a laptop, on my LAN. Both machines now have Windows 10. I am simply trying to connect both to a Workgroup so that I can share files.

On the desktop, I go into Control Panel, and click Homegroup. I see a message saying “(Username) on (Desktop computer name) has created a Homepage on the network.”

There is a “Join Now” button, so I click it. The “Join a Homegroup” page comes up, telling me I can share files and printers with other computers. This is what I want to do, so I click the “Next” button.

The “Library or Folder” box appears. The sharing options are what I want, so I click the “Next” button. The “Type a homegroup password” boxcomes up. There is an empty box there for me to “Type the password”, but a note tells me “You can get the password from (Username) on (Desktop computer name) or another member of the Homegroup”.

What?! I AM that user on that computer, and I have neverseen a password for the Homegroup. I have tried entering my Microsoft Account password, but that is not accepted.

I cannot even discover how to delete the existing Homegroup so that I can start over.

I never had any problems with my Homegroup back in theWindows 7 days. Anybody know what is going on with Windows 10?

I have exactly the same issue.

Two PC's previously connected when in WIndows 8.1 via HomeGroup. Now they are not and I can't share files. I've screwed around with credentials and have no idea what damage I have done and would like to start over but nothing is working.

Windows networking always has been a pain but in Windows 8 is seemed very easy - now it's gone back to being a maze of complexity.

I have the same problem. Upgraded to Windows 10 on both laptop and PC. After some Homegroup problems I tried to delete the homegroup via Control panel (useless) and via various other means, but the PC tells me that there is a Homegroup on the laptop (but can't connect) and the laptop syas there's a Homegroup on the laptop (itself) but can't connect. There are obviously some remnants of the Homegroup, but after 8 hours of work and trying lots of different 'fixes' the problem remains. Can I creat a second homegroup? Alternatively, how do I create a WorkGroup in Windows 10. Grateful for any help.

I have the same problem. Upgraded to Windows 10 on both laptop and PC. After some Homegroup problems I tried to delete the homegroup via Control panel (useless) and via various other means, but the PC tells me that there is a Homegroup on the laptop (but can't connect) and the laptop syas there's a Homegroup on the laptop (itself) but can't connect. There are obviously some remnants of the Homegroup, but after 8 hours of work and trying lots of different 'fixes' the problem remains. Can I creat a second homegroup? Alternatively, how do I create a WorkGroup in Windows 10. Grateful for any help.
Well, I actually got my Homegroup working. However, it seems typical for Homegroup problems that a solution that works for one, does not necessarily work for others. No matter, this worked for me, and it will do no harm to give it a try.

Have both your computers booted up and connected to your router.
Now address the network adapter of your main computer and systematically disconnect it from all services. Your networking icon should confirm your computer is disconnected from the network.
Re-boot your main computer, and let it re-establish all the services it needs using whatever drivers it sees fit. Your networking icon should confirm that you are on the air again.
Start over with the Homegroup procedure. This time, it actually worked for me. If you are exceptionally lucky, it might even work for you too!

Good luck!

Well, I actually got my Homegroup working. However, it seems typical for Homegroup problems that a solution that works for one, does not necessarily work for others. No matter, this worked for me, and it will do no harm to give it a try.

Have both your computers booted up and connected to your router.
Now address the network adapter of your main computer and systematically disconnect it from all services. Your networking icon should confirm your computer is disconnected from the network.
Re-boot your main computer, and let it re-establish all the services it needs using whatever drivers it sees fit. Your networking icon should confirm that you are on the air again.
Start over with the Homegroup procedure. This time, it actually worked for me. If you are exceptionally lucky, it might even work for you too!

Good luck!
Sadly it failed. The 'Homegroup' logo remained on both computers after reboot and reconnection of the network. Then one machine said that the homegroup had been detected on the other and we flip flopped back and forth with each machine either denying there was a homegroup at all or telling me it couldn't set up ANOTHER homegroup on 'this' machine. Thanks, anyway. I'll keep looking. Regards