
The 10166 installer sets a new record low: 15 minutes installation

I took me 15 minutes this time to install the 10166 release: Fresh install (Rufus 2.2.668) alone. Got no error to report. But I got a few ones in the settings page and there before running Windows updater:

1) The resolution was not set to factory setting but the 10074 one: 1024 x 768. Fix it back to HD quality minimum setting: 1920 x 1080.
2) The keyboard was not shown in the task bar: Easy to fix
3) The time zone is still an issue: Set default to Pacific Time. Easy to fix
4) Lost the settings page under Personalization ( It's not the first time and it's always there): Disappear and disappear from the task bar. Must use the search bar to recover it.

Finally, wish to thank's Symantec that allow me since 10130 to reinstall Norton using the same Product Key simply by providing my Email.

All the best,

3.. that's true with Win8.1 as well.. nothing to fix really. Just reset when installing the OS.

3.. that's true with Win8.1 as well.. nothing to fix really. Just reset when installing the OS.
That means there is no physical connexion between the installer and Internet. That remind me that under Linux the Time Zone is a source of problems during the installation. to avoid them (in the installer) we must leave it to default settings: New-York.

I still don't believe it that it took me 15 minutes? The best I've reach so far is about 30 minutes. To be confirmed...

How did you manage it - several hours for me!!

How did you manage it - several hours for me!!
I think he's referring to a clean install not an upgrade. And I found that a clean install from an ISO is about 15-20 minutes. Very fast!!

Fresh install under Linux: Delete partitions and reinstall the o/s (backup important files under the biggest flash drive). It fully rejuvenate the Hard Drive.

I do believe that American are using Clean Install instead. It takes 5 minutes to install Linux Ubuntu (1.1Gb installer) directly in the bootup sequence (F9).

I rarely if never upgrade (just to test the upgrader for short period of time),always do a fresh or clean install with a flash drive (Rufus 2.2.668). Sorry for that one but Rufus 2.2.668 implies a fresh install. Oups! A clean install.
There is only one way to run a stable desktop environment and a stable machine: Clean or fresh install. Upgrade comes most of the time with bugs and is a lazy way to install a new release, candidate release, Service Pack, code name, name them.

RUNNING A SMOOTH AND FULLY STABLE MACHINE. WINDOWS TEN PASSES THE TEST OF AN INTEL MOTHER BOARD. When to play again for testing purposes in privacy advance settings... It's my computer that owns the Operating System, not the inverse.

I have to say that since Windows 8 first arrived, I have upgraded rather than clean installed, and it has always been a first class experience. With the Windows 10 series from 10130 thru every release til 10166 the upgrades have been fresh and fast, even if the previous install had become damaged in some way. The Windows install development team really deserve congratulations on taking a process that used to take forever - even Windows 3.11 with just a few floppy disks - to a quick and painless upgrade or clean install in just a few minutes.

even if the previous install had become damaged in some way. The Windows install development team really deserve congratulations on taking a process that used to take forever

There is only Microsoft to create an Updater like the Win Ten one: Simple, quite, original and efficient. It's just that if the base is not in good condition it comes with bugs.

Yesterday I performed a clean install of Win10 10166 and it only took around 15 minutes.. Sweet!!!

Yesterday I performed a clean install of Win10 10166 and it only took around 15 minutes.. Sweet!!!
But how long to then configure things to your liking & install all the applications.

Nevertheless, probably considerably shorter than the hours taken by doing an upgrade if my experiences are anything to go by!

The 10166 installer sets a new record low: 15 minutes installation