

Iran Ccleaner's Windows tab with defaults as is and it analyzed 1 GB to be removed. When I ran the cleaner it said 8 MB were removed.
What is wrong?

What release of CCleaner are you using?

If you will not answer then I cannot help you.

If you will not answer then I cannot help you.
I just returned from dinner;
ver 5.09.5343

It all depend on what you have checked to remove, I have never had such a problem. Maybe yo have a bad or corrupted install. Maybe try to install it again.

CCLeaner will scan for all of the "trashable" elements and report that total in the "pop-up" box.

However, when you choose to run CCleaner, only those item types which have their boxes checked along the left side of the dialogue will be deleted.

I did not run the registry cleaner. I ran the Windows tab. It said there was a lot to clear but when I clicked to remove, it only removed a lesser amount by far.
Again when I ran it on the other pc to analyze it deleted before it gave me a chance to click remove.
two questions;
1-Is this now version having troubles as I used 2 pcs?
2-when you use the Windows or application tab(not the registry cleaner) what of the defaults do you remove, if any?

Run the analyze again and see if any were skipped

It is easy to forget what you did but to my knowledge on my desktop, I did re - run it and a lot were found which I deleted. I just analyzed it again today and 83 MBs can be deleted.
The laptop is where the analyze button removed all it found with out my clicking the remove button.
It seems to working ok now but who knows. At least I have a restore point prior to each Ccleaner run.

Iran Ccleaner's Windows tab with defaults as is and it analyzed 1 GB to be removed. When I ran the cleaner it said 8 MB were removed. What is wrong?
I've never seen cCleaner not clean what it finds and I've never seen cCleaner clean things automatically.

It's possible that you have a fakecCleaner (see Piriform blog)

- I recommend uninstalling the cCleaner pgm you have installed and then download cCleaner from Piriform to install fresh.

Here is the direct link to the Piriform cCleaner download - after the page loads, the download should begin within a few seconds.
