
Blue Screen on returning from Sleep Mode - Toshiba Laptop

Hi all.

I have a new Toshiba C55-C5241 Laptop, which came pre-loaded with Windows 10. (See Specs)
I clean installed Windows 10 last weekend. All went very well. I just started loading programs this weekend.

I started noticing the blue screen stops yesterday. These happen coming out of Sleep. I probably never would have noticed these before because I was not leaving the machine alone long enough for it to go into Sleep. So unfortunately I do not have a good idea when the behavior started - from the beginning or after some software installation.

Here are my reports:

It would be great if anyone could point out an offending program or driver.

Blue screens are mostly "Kernal Data Inpage Error" and the more serious "Critical Process Died", both I understand to be processor related.

I did not have the presence of mind to test or check any of this early on. But I do have images of the original factory installation and of the fresh, clean install (before any customization or software installs). I do not believe that I ever tried Sleep Mode on the original factory installation.

The stops happen very consistently when on battery power, less so when plugged in. For a while I thought they did not occur when plugged in - this was not the case. They seem to be more consistent when manually going into sleep, not so much when it goes into sleep from Power Settings.

All of the drivers in the clean install were the same as the drivers in the factory installation (at the time I finished). I did not turn off automatic driver update for a few days. I will check the driver list for changes later.

Software installed (in order) : Avast!, Firefox, Office 2010 (H&S), Nitro Reader, VLC (64 bit), Handy Address Book (a prog I've been using for years), Malwarebytes, CCleaner (never run), and Winamp.

I am thinking of restoring the clean install image today (start over). Just to see if the behavior started then.

Let me know if you need more info.
And thanks.

Hi TV2,

Welcome to the 10blog.

There are multiple causes of the crashes,
Please start with following

  • Please remove Avast the standard way and follow the uninstall instructions to remove traces.
  • Please uninstall Malwarebytes and install it again. If you have a license for malwarebytes please note it before removing Malwarebytes, after using the uninstall utility there is no trace from Malwarebytes left.

If you get any new bluescreen, please use the tool again and upload the zip file.

Hi Axe0

Are you saying that the faulting modules are Avast and Malwarebytes related in the Dumps?

If so I would be partial to just restoring my clean install image and starting over, testing after each new software installation. That, to me, is faster and easier (at this early point in the process) than randomly uninstalling programs.

If the dumps are clearly showing that the faults are with those 2 programs that would be important. But if that is just a general recommendation to start tracking down the culprit then I would rather just start over. I can do that now - it is early.

Hi TV2,

I found a driver that caused a crash related to Avast.
I didn't find anything about Malwarebytes, but due to the latest information regarding some problems with Malwarebytes after upgrading I advice to reinstall malwarebytes. Reinstalling malwarebytes will solve the problems after upgrading.

This will most likely not solve all the crashes, but I need to know if Avast has something to do with the other crashes.

Will do.
Must go out for the day now. I will uninstall both to experiment and let you know when it is done.

OK (Wife is taking a while to get ready!)
Uninstalled Malwarebytes. Still faulting.
More tests later (or now if I don't get the evil eye!)

Should I delete old dump files?

From what date are those dumps you want to delete?

All the ones I posted already. There will probably be a lot more starting (later) today as I test it. It crashes pretty regularly.

Please don't remove them, they are used for analyse purpose to better find the causes.

I uninstalled Avast.
No joy

Here are the newest dump files and reports:

I probably will not have time to do the image restore this weekend. Probably next.
I plan on uninstalling all the progs, testing between each one, as time permits.
I may just do a new clean install next weekend.

I've been working on PCs for a very long time. I seem to recall that sleep and hibernate problems are usually due to graphics driver conflicts, at least in Win 7 and XP that was the case. I am going to explore that possibility also.

Blue Screen on returning from Sleep Mode - Toshiba Laptop