I am having some trouble getting the default store apps to work. As for the store itself, it used to briefly show the splash then crash. Now it is just an unknown file type that doesn't do anything when clicked. I have tried some of the more common fixes, like the powershell re-register scripts, but none work, all returning errors of one kind or another. At this point, would it just be easier to "Reset this PC", or is there another fix I may not have tried? Thanks!
Hi nardavin and welcome to windowssh blog.
You could try an in-place repair to get things working again.
Repair Install Windows 10 with an In-place Upgrade - Windows 10 blog
That should do the trick.
Yep, that's what I am doing currently. Hopefully that'll fix it
Okay, let us know how it goes.
Will do. On a side note, I was supposed to choose the default option that saves all files and programs, right? I figured that since it was the default apps that were corrupted they would reinstall with Windows 10.
Yes, save all files and programs.
Perfect. Results incoming shortly :P
Yup, that worked beautifully. Thanks!
Brilliant! Cheers!