Since windows xp, notepad hasn't really been recieving any type of change in whats in it, all we eve get is new fonts depending on what OS you are using, I hope MS at least develop it because its been the most left out app ever.
Have you tried any third party programs? Years ago I use to use Notepad++
The reason I use Notepad a lot is exactly because it's so basic, so I guess it depends on what you mean by develop it.
If you mean basic changes to it (for example, it remembering more undo steps) then I'm all for it. But if you mean trying to turn it into a word processor like Wordpad/Word/Writer, then personally I would prefer them to leave it alone and if people want something more advanced, then let them use something more advanced instead. AFAIK Wordpad is still built into Windows 10 anyway?
Agree with ARC. if you want something more sophisticated, use WordPad. Notepad, as a basic means of quickly writing or copying something over, is excellent as it stands.
It's meant to be that way.
You should be using MS Office. If you don't have a copy you can download Libre Office for Windows.
Notepad is helpful for coders too.
Actually I dont think notepad has changed much since Windows 95. Notepad++ is a good alternative.
I like Notepad.. it's a great very basic editor. But there are some great third party editors that are free if Notepad doesn't fit the bill for your needs.. here are just a few:
1. Notepad++ Home
2. flo's freeware - Notepad2
3. Geany : Home Page
4. VIM - download : vim online
After 7-zip, notepad++ is the first program I install. I love it. It is small, quick, you can compare 2 files easily, lets you search in multiple files for a certain string and so on.
Notepad is useless (for me) but then again so is Wordpad. If you want to write a letter use Word, if you want a text editor use notepad++.
Notepad is good because it's pre-installed and the user doesn't have to learn how to install any other app to have a basic editor.
Actually, Notepad hasn't changed much since at least Windows 3.1
Notepad is a simple app that wraps a generic Windows Edit control. It's not intended to provide any real functionality beyond that, and it likely never will. There are plenty of third party notepad replacements, and MS includes Wordpad which is a more feature rich editor.