I'm having a weird issue with CoreTemp at startup on my new Windows 10 64-bit PC. I'm using it to display the temp and CPU load in my system tray. I have it set to run at startup, and I have "start Core Temp minimized" selected. Yet during system startup the CoreTemp Window still appears briefly in the corner of the screen before it disappears into my tray. Is there any way to get this to not appear at all during startup? It bugs me to see this appear at each startup. On my old Windows 7 PC it didn't do that, even if I closed it and ran it manually - it would start silently in the system tray.
Have you gone to Options > Settings > General and checked Start with Windows?
Yes, I've done that. It starts with Windows. The problem is that the main CoreTemp window appears on the desktop for the first couple seconds it starts, before minimizing to the system tray. I want to have it start silently so I don't see that window pop up as it starts.
If you have it set the way you describe, I don't know of anything else you can do.
It may not make a difference but maybe worth a shot..... Uncheck Start with Windows. Create a shortcut to run the program from the Startup folder in the Start Menu. In properties for the shortcut, choose "minimized" in the "Run" dropdown.
I just gave that a try and it doesn't even run at startup now which doesn't make sense. I tried putting the shortcut in both my appdata roaming startup folder and the Program Data all user startup folder, and in both cases CoreTemp won't run at startup and the temps don't appear in the tray. I don't get it - it runs immediately and opens in the system tray if I run it manually after the PC starts (after the UAC prompt of course). Why can't I just put the shortcut in the startup folder?
I'm currently running into a similar issue with EVGA precision X for my Nvidia card. All I want is to be able to monitor my CPU temp, CPU usage, and GPU temp in my system tray at startup. Is there any software that can do this reliably? RealTemp is almost perfect but it won't show CPU usage, only CPU and GPU temps.
This seems to be an issue with CoreTemp - I found this link which posts it as a bug report:
Settings(checked): start core temp minimized, close core temp to the notification area, hide taskbar button
and on that page is also a link to a video so you can see exactly what it looks like when it starts:
If I start the program manually, that flash doesn't happen. It only happens if I set the program to run at startup. So is there a trick or workaround to get this to start in the system tray at startup without that flash?
I also tried to create a scheduled task but it still won't startup. I think UAC is preventing this from starting up via shortcuts and scheduled tasks. I have to actually select the startup option in the software settings but then I get that flash when it first starts up.
I run core temp and do experience the flash of the program before it goes to the tray as you describe. But it doesn't bother me and I've not looked for a workaround or fix.
If it is a known bug, perhaps it will be fixed in time.
Even starting it from a desktop shortcut, I have UAC kick in and it also shows the screen before being minimized. If you will put the shortcut in C:/Program data/microsoft/windows/start menu/programs/startup it should start and you can use task manager to enable it or disable it running at startup.