
What is the best desktop search replacement for windows 10?

I am throwing this open to everyone.

What is the best desktop search replacement for Windows 10?

I would like one that is fast can find all files / programs etc.. and can integrate with windows 10.

Thank you.

UltraSearch is what I use.

If this had been 7 instead of 10 the first answer would be how to enhance the performance of the built in Windows serarch option seen on the Start menu. Make Windows Search a Million Times More Useful with These Simple Tweaks

But since 10 is now seeing Bing incorporated into the new Desktop search vehicle things have changed a bit especially if you happen to lose your WiFi or other connection while on the go or have to run 10 where it lacks any type of connection. A workspace might see a private network only type deal where each system is set to go before being added into the network that lacks web access.

Launchy is an open source cross platform type deal originally intended for Vista or 7 found at Launchy: The Open Source Keystroke Launcher In fact I've been considering a look at a few apps like these as alternatives to the Search/Cortana blend now seen which I suspect you are now tired of? Unfortunately that one while being a freebie may have a Google or Yahoo toolbar option included since the download was blocked here by the overprotective nanny firewall! Next Please!
Everything Search Engine is another one pointed to as the top 5 several years ago and seems to work lightning fast on 10! When simply typing the word "bull" as a quick test in an instant a ton of Steam game file listings flashed up in the small window that had opened automatically when leaving the box checked at the finish when installing it just now.

That has a pair of installation options one being the AppData folder under your user account or a separate installation folder found in Program Files. It features the option to automatically update itself each time when checked off to start with Windows.

Now here's UltraSearch pointed to for a comparison.

Everything: Everything Search Engine my favorite, ultra fast.

The Everything app seems to pop up far more frequently with a better rep from the freeware sites as well as a few old reviews seen for this type of 3rd party ware. Each will have their own Pros and Cons that is. And you may decide to run with a few rather then trying to pick out which one by itself is superior to the next. The smart move is seeing what each offers and doesn't in order to cover the bases.

Thank you all I am trying for the moment UltraSearch.

After a couple of days will try Everything to see if better/worse.

I too recommend Everything but it doesn't search file contents, only file and folder names

Nothing better than Everything!!!! nothing.....

I too recommend Everything but it doesn't search file contents, only file and folder names
And this is why I advise looking at both the Pros and Cons for each utility app in order to cover all the bases since one will lack what the other has to offer! If you want everything you get more then "Everything" by adding that plus UltraSearch on as well without hesitation! If you don't find it with one you should with the other!

In Windows 8 there was something called "Prompt" I tried for a while, it was a beta. I may have the installer still. Can't find it on the net though.

There are these, but they may be spambombs.

What is the best desktop search replacement for windows 10?