I had the free version of OneNote 2013 installed in Win 7 Pro. With that version pressing Windows+Shift+N would launch OneNote. Since I upgraded to Win 10 and switched to the built in OneNote 2016 I cannot find a shortcut key to launch it. Is there a key combination to launch OneNote in Win 10 or is there a way to create one? Thanks.
Just used Windows+Shift+N
It opens ok in Windows 10
I have mine in the Taskbar
How I did it was
Find it in all Apps
Right Click
Up will come a menu
Go to the middle one
Which is More
Click on More
Then click Pin To Taskbar
That is how I did it
I don't have OneNote 2016.
Will this keyboard shortcut article make any sense to you ?
Keyboard shortcuts in OneNote 2016 for Windows
Windows+Shift+N would open OneNote 2013 under Windows 10. However, I uninstalled OneNote 2013 and began using the version of OneNote that comes as part of Windows 10 (I think that is OneNote 2016). Windows+Shift+N does not work with the version that comes with Win 10. Pinning to the task bar helps but I was really hooked on the shortcut key. Thanks for your help.
Put the shortcut in taskbar
Then press those keys
Up in left top corner your curser will flash
It does open but be warned hold them too long and you get 4 One Notes open
just go to taskbar One Note click on it and you can delete 3 or more of them leaving the one you want
I have been trying it out so I do know how it works
Hope that helps you a bit more
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Adding............... have you tried the link about keyboard shortcut keys I posted on post #3 ?