
Activation Error 0x8004FC12 Office on Windows 10

I am eligible to use Office 365 Pro Plus through my University and was able to use it with no issues on Windows 7, but upon attempting to install the programs on Windows 10 I am unable to activate the programs through the Microsoft Activation Wizard. I consistently receive error code 0x8004FC12 and am unable to continue with the activation process.

I have run sfc /scannow and even did a fresh install of Windows 10 to no avail. I've also tried the quick repair and online repair options using Add/Remove Programs with no success and I keep getting the same error. Running as administrator also does not solve the issue.

From what I remember from installing on Windows 7, I did not even need to undergo the activation process and the programs worked perfectly after installation, so my guess is that the programs are unable to connect and validate my license for some reason. I have tried disabling antivirus programs but this did not help either. Office 365 Online clearly shows I have it activated on my Windows 10 installation but repeated attempts at reinstalling have not fixed the issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi, have you had any luck with this yet? I'm in the exact same boat. Microsoft Tech Support levels 1 and 2 have no clue either so waiting to hear back from the next level up Will keep you posted if they manage to find a solution.

Not yet unfortunately, still waiting to hear back as well. And thanks, your help is appreciated!

I apologize if this violates the forum's rules on bumping posts, but I am still in need of a solution to this issue. Not having access to these programs will be a problem if I can't get them working soon!

I have the same issue. Windows 10, one year Office subscription download through university and cannot activate it, error 0x8004FC12 with no option to active by phone....luckily I have Office 2007 to fall-back on but, is annoying.

Try accessing your Office 365 account using your student email .edu address. From there, you can download a click to run application (not the full installer version) that should automatically activate.

See screenshot below:

I have very exciting news for anyone who is still facing this problem! Feeling particularly stubborn at my inability to solve this issue I kept delving through blog and other posts with the same issue and I actually stumbled upon a solution!

After following the instructions posted in this thread, I found that the third solution about adding a net local group actually solved the issue! After one final prompt that it was unlicensed my Office programs FINALLY activated successfully! I honestly have no idea how or why this method works or what it even does really but I'm just elated to finally have full access to my programs. For anyone with this issue I hope this solution works for you too! Best of luck and full credit to Nicholas W, the Microsoft tech out there who seems to know what he's doing!

I just had this activation problem when I upgraded to Windows 10 Pro Version 10547. The third solution about adding a net local group solved the problem for me too.


I just had this activation problem when I upgraded to Windows 10 Pro Version 10547. The third solution about adding a net local group solved the problem for me too.

Solved my problem too

Activation Error  0x8004FC12 Office on Windows 10