
Windows 10 Explorer Sorting Folders

Hey just wondering does anyone know of any software or methods so I can sort folders in a particular order.

I want these folders to be sorted in a particular way.

Thank You

you can sort by date modified or size or type and name just by clicking on the text above as listed

And if that isn't enough, you can right click on any column title and add them. Clicking on ...more will give you even more possible tags that you can show and sort with.

I understand both of the methods you two are listing but what if I want my folders in a very particular order, is it possible to achieve that?

I understand both of the methods you two are listing but what if I want my folders in a very particular order, is it possible to achieve that?
What would that particular order be? Because, tags listed above offer some choice.

Edit: beside sorting column (tag) you can also group files and folders.

What would that particular order be? Because, tags listed above offer some choice.

Edit: beside sorting column (tag) you can also group files and folders.
I want to be able to have these in an order liek this for example

[FOLDER] Steam Games
[FOLDER] Blizzard Games
[FOLDER] Origin Games
[FOLDER] Program Files
[FOLDER] Program Files (x86)
etc etc

I want them in an order where I can quickly distinguish windows files from game directories, etc through a particular order.

Aha, so you want them to be listed by your choice and the order to stay put?

Aha, so you want them to be listed by your choice and the order to stay put?
Ding ding ding! YES

Is this something that can be accomplished using tags?

maybe someone knows, how to add user tags. Not my territory. But you could add numbers to your folders, so they will be at start and sorted as you choose. Leave windows folders alone and they will be at bottom.

Edit: like this :
[FOLDER] 1_Steam Games
[FOLDER] 2_Blizzard Games
[FOLDER] 3_Origin Games
[FOLDER] Program Files
[FOLDER] Program Files (x86)
etc etc

maybe someone knows, how to add user tags. Not my territory. But you could add numbers to your folders, so they will be at start and sorted as you choose. Leave windows folders alone and they will be at bottom.
Thanks Andre, yeah that's what I have started doing, this is the result:

If anyone has any tips or suggestions it is greatly appreciated.

Windows 10 Explorer Sorting Folders