

I'm getting a BSOD crash that happens randomly. It says "Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart. We're just collecting some error info, and then we'll restart for you.

If you'd like to know more, you can search online later for this error:

I'm running Windows 10 Technical Preview Build 10041
I also had this issue when running build 9926 and updating to the current build has not resolved this issue.
I don't know if this a related issue but since updating to build 10041 my laptop has randomly froze and completely locked up until I did a hard shutdown. Please help me. Thanks in advance.
Here's the required information.

2/12/2015 11:47 PM Windows Error Reporting Fault bucket AV_R_INVALID_cpuz138_x64+2486, type 0
Event Name: BlueScreen
Response: Microsoft Windows Error ReportingBucket=AV_R_INVALID_cpuz138_x64+2486&State=1&ID=af3c3170-e64d-4487-8ef8-e26e11919e41
I also have got the same issue, but just for once.

This is a driver from Cupid's CPU-z actually. For me, the source of the failing module was Speccy, which also includes this driver.

I ma not seeing Speccy or CPU-z installed there in your computer. But teh location of the failing module is in the temp folder.
 Image path: ??C:WINDOWSTEMPcpuz138cpuz138_x64.sys  Image name: cpuz138_x64.sys
cpuz138    cpuz138    ??c:windows	empcpuz138cpuz138_x64.sys Kernel Driver    No    Manual    Stopped    OK    Normal    No    No
Apparently anything in temp is not very necessary. You may delete this file in temp folder and see how it goes.

Another thing, you have 31startup items. Too far. You should disable them other than Defender and OneDrive (f.lux is a personal choice).

So this was caused by Speccy?


If you have not already, get this version: New Speccy out - 10TP fixes - Windows 10 blog

I had to uninstall the latest version of Speccy (v128) linked to above because of this same BSOD error referencing that older version of CPU-Z in the temp folder installed by Speccy. This is a clean Win10 Pro 64 "RTM" install where there was never an earlier version of Speccy installed.

Yes, this is indeed an issue with Specky (1.28 on W10 Pro x64 RTM). There is a thread running on the Piriform blog that also discusses the problem. see Windows 10 Blue Screen Error: PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA - Speccy Bug Reporting - Piriform Community blog Beware: Version 1.28 does NOT correct the issue and it is not always consistent; sometimes the machine will crash and other times Specky will seem to run fine.