
Stream Media to Xbox 360

Since upgrading to Windows 10 I have lost something I used frequently, the ability to stream movies & pictures to my Xbox 360. Apparently Windows Media Center isn't supported on Win10. Looking for any suggestions or 3rd party apps, free solutions I downloaded and installed Plex on PC and Xbox but apparently their is a charge to stream from my pc using Plex.

Try PS3 Media Server. The name might make you think that its functionality is exclusive to PS3s, but it also works with Xbox, PC, etc.

Windows Media Player still exists. Just search for "windows media player" in the search bar (or search icon menu if you have the taskbar set to small icons).

Yes, Windows Media Player does work on Windows 10. It is missing, from what I can tell, the Windows Media Center functionality. I will check out PS3 Media Server. Is there a PS3 app on Xbox 360 or does it stream using another method, thanks.

Search and I shall find my own answer Following are a couple of solutions which is all I need! "Installed Windows 10 on my wife's laptop and it looks like all the media streaming duties in Windows 10 is handled inside Windows Media Player, you can select stream and it show all devices that can be streamed to on your network. Tested it with a few videos and it worked fine, but I would have to agree with Enfilade Plex will be easier to deal with to be honest."

"you don't actually have to open media player you can right click on a video and choose cast to device and it will show any it's found on the network like an xbox or smart tv, handy if you don't want to set up additional software etc. down side being you have to be at the computer to start and pause etc."

Sorry I don't use XBox but is there no option to connect to windows shared folders?.

Thats how I stream my Movies to my WDTVLive.

How to share files to Xbox 360 without Windows Media Player or 3rd - Microsoft Community

Try PS3 Media Server. The name might make you think that its functionality is exclusive to PS3s, but it also works with Xbox, PC, etc.

Windows Media Player still exists. Just search for "windows media player" in the search bar (or search icon menu if you have the task-bar set to small icons).
Windows Media Player is still in Windows 10 yes, but the Xbox 360 requires Windows Media Center which is different.

You can either open WMP, or if you open the file in Windows Media Player, there is a very small icon with 3 boxes and an arrow, you'll be at your library. There is a drop down box that says "Stream" between Organize and Create Playlist. Select "More Streaming Options." It will take you to the control panel where you can allow streaming to your 360.

Stream Media to Xbox 360