
Is there Windows 10 equivalent of 'DimScreen' Windows 7 app/program?

Hi. I'm just basic computer user. Want to keep Windows 7 on PC for as long as possible, but recently bought cheap tablet (Linx 7) to try out Windows 10.

Have 'DimScreen' program installed on PC (grey square icon in taskbar) which enables you to dim screen much more than Windows settings allow.

Have tried without success to find similar app for use on device running Windows 10. Wondered if suitable app exists?

Many thanks in advance.

I assume you have already tried the Power Options ?

Yes, I spent several minutes googling and altering various settings in Windows 10, but screen is still nowhere near as dim as preferred setting of DimScreen on Windows 7 PC.

I guess "what you see is what you get" applies.

I guess "what you see is what you get" applies.
Nirsoft tools

Nirsoft tools

I have no interest in "dim the light".
It's the OP who asks the question.
You have a solution, replydirectly to the OP.

I have no interest in "dim the light".
It's the OP who asks the question.
You have a solution, replydirectly to the OP.
Just a simple error. Chill man.

Hi. I'm just basic computer user. Want to keep Windows 7 on PC for as long as possible, but recently bought cheap tablet (Linx 7) to try out Windows 10.

Have 'DimScreen' program installed on PC (grey square icon in taskbar) which enables you to dim screen much more than Windows settings allow.

Have tried without success to find similar app for use on device running Windows 10. Wondered if suitable app exists?

Many thanks in advance.
I have just the right tool for you.
Dimmer - Small and free screen brightness reduction utility for LCD/TFT/LED monitors

Works wonders. Been using it since LG dropped support for my monitor's stupid manager app (it has NO buttons, so revolutionary, isn't?) back in Windows 7.

Is there Windows 10 equivalent of 'DimScreen' Windows 7 app/program?