
Outlook and Word "Could not create the Work File" Errors

I'm getting two similar error messages when I try to open both Outlook and Word....

(Outlook / Word) could not create the work file. Check the temp environment variable.

Outlook is not opening at all, and Word will open at the second or third "OK" click on the error message.

I've spent the last 24 hours editing the registry, for both programs based on advice found online, but nothing has worked.

I'm using the Office 2013 versions of both programs (version 15 Outlook). Could someone offer me any suggestions as to how the registry should look for both programs please, as this is preventing em from working (I'm self employed and use both programs all the time).

I saw that there's a workaround using IE, but it's not on my computer (only Edge). This keeps crashing when I try to open it, and I can't seem to get a download of IE, as Microsoft assume I have it already.

I tried a system restore several times but for some reason it won't work - I was even so desperate to fix it. I tried resetting the OS, but this also failed (I have no idea why).

Add this to the problems of saving files in Word caused by Windows 10, and I have to say that for me, it wasn't a good choice to upgrade.

Any help on this would be very welcome.


Sorry I won't be a lot of help but, at least, I can tell you you DO have Internet Explorer. Left click the windows or search icon bottom left corner and type internet explorer. The program link appears so rt click and then click pin to taskbar.

But there really does seem to be corruption somewhere as your problems would certainly not be typical.

Tell us about your computer and how you did the upgrade (or downgrade in your case!). How do you log in? Local or MS login?

I would also run chkdsk.exe on your drive so its file structure can be checked/corrected. To do this rt click the windows icon then left click 'Command prompt(admin'. A black box will pop up. Type chkdsk c: /f then hit enter. Next respond with a y for yes then restart your comp. On boot it should do the disk check.

Hopefully others may chime in but if it is a permissions problem, as this appears to be, it may be tricky to solve as who knows what else is wrong?

Good luck.

But there really does seem to be corruption somewhere as your problems would certainly not be typical. Tell us about your computer and how you did the upgrade (or downgrade in your case!). How do you log in? Local or MS login?
Thank you for your helpful reply and my apologies for not coming back sooner. I have spent the last 48 hours doing noting much other than bang my head against the monitor in an outpouring of frustration and regret at my stupidity in installing Windows 10.

As well as the issues mentioned above, I could not search in Windows 10 (it just didn;t work) so I couldn't find IE. My computer is a Toshiba Satellite 775 with 1TB of hard drive and GB of RAM, Windows 10 64 bit. I have it plugged into a LG 24 inch monitor. I log in with with my MS profile.

I did a chkdsk (no issues). I eventually had the brain-wave of trying a new user account, as I was sure that your suggestion of it being a permissions issue was right.

That worked. Outlook opened with no problems, Word likewise. Search started working and Edge opened up and stayed open.

It took me several hours to copy over my Word files and to create the Outlook account for my email (it refused to accept my password at least 8 times).

A couple of hours ago I went back to my old account to try it one more time, as it was getting difficult to transfer all of my 16000 stored photographs and Lightroom and Photoshop were starting up as "new" software.

Guess what? Everything was working as normal. Outlook opened, Word opened, and there are no issues with anything at all. All files save perfectly, which wasn't the case previously.

I have no idea how that happened. But I'm sure of one thing...it's ruined my weekend and that of my partner and if I could easily transfer my files to an iMac, I'd buy one tomorrow!

Wow, that is crazy. Hard to see how the original account came right. Needs cleverer people than us to figure that out!!

Anyway, good to hear you are going again and hope all is well from hereon in.


Outlook and Word