Greetings. My machine had W7 and developed a BSOD problem that I went through extensive efforts to track down but never managed to solve. After a while, it stopped writing log files, so I gave up and hoped an upgrade to W10 would fix by replacing drivers. Well, predictably it didn't but it IS writing log files again. The situation is the same, namely I consistently get a 1E on shutdown, and occasionally get something else during operation. I have attached two of the latest minidump files. There are actually three, but one is a duplicate of the 1E-on-shutdown dump. One other bit of info is that in the course of the upgrade I switched to a Samsung SDD, so I think this at least rules out drive problems.
Can anyone suggest a course of action here? Should I just give up and replace the MOBO, since it seems it must be either a bad component or a driver that is causing this? TIA...Steve
Your logs are incomplete, important files are missing we need to analyse the problem. Follow BSOD - Posting Instructions - Windows 10 blog and post up the resulting .zip file.
As this problem appears on both OS's i'd suspect either a hardware impending failure or more likely as you system is a custom build a component compatability problem.
Not my area but im sure else on the forum will pick it up from here
My apologies. I keep thinking this is the same machine, but it's a new OS and forum. Requested zip is attached.
This driver belongs to Gigabyte On/Off Charge driver, Gigabyte crapware is infamous for causing BSODs. Uninstall all Gigabyte crapware.Code:BugCheck 1E, {ffffffffc0000005, fffff8003e9227d2, 0, 4e} *** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for AppleCharger.sys *** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for AppleCharger.sysProbably caused by : AppleCharger.sys ( AppleCharger+270c ) Followup: MachineOwner
Here's another instance of the exact same driver causing BSODs a couple of weeks ago. Solved Blue screen on restart - kmode_stop_exception - Windows 10 blog
You were right. Unistalled Gigabyte stuff, no more BSOD. Thank you for ending my 4 mo long BSOD nightmare!
The only thing I'm not sure about: Aren't the Gigabyte programs necessary to regulate fan speed? Or is that handled by Windows?
BTW, since you are a mod...I'm not sure the name of the forum makes sense since the crash screens aren't no longer blue in W10. How about Frowny Face of Death (FFOD)?
Good to hear the problem is solved. You can install the fan control software now you know what the issue is, but try to steer clear of anything else, and if System Information Viewer is installed that can really cause some BSOD issues.
Unfortunately, all the Gigabyte crapware comes as one big package, and it installs the on/off charge driver and one other app with all the other functions, including the system info viewer. Do you know if there is any other solution for fan control? I mainly want it for noise reduction. The machine works without it, of course. Maybe I need to post this question in another forum.
Have you checked the Gigabyte support page for your motherboard? Sometimes they offer the separate components for download. If not then Speedfan will allow you control your fan speed, I'll have to link it later for you as I'm at work at the moment.
I found the link for SpeedFan. Thanks again for your help!