
Best tool for monitoring system fan?

Long story short, once in a while my laptop's fan will jam and I have to open it up to unjam it. I'd like to be able to just monitor my fan speed so I know if it has jammed on me (or maybe see when it is about to). I may try to replace the fan but not yet. I used to use a widget I believe was called VistaStat on Windows 7.

What I'm looking for is something that's fairly lightweight and can be configured to be unobtrusive, such as a number in the notifications tray or a widget that does not clash with the Windows 10 theme and interface.


HWiNFO , can monitor, log and alarm if your fan stops among a multitude of other things. Portable version available (no install)

HWiNFO , can monitor, log and alarm if your fan stops among a multitude of other things. Portable version available (no install)

+1. I haven't had any issue using this utility. You may also wish to look at SpeedFan. But for just monitoring the former is like zero configuration.

To set up an alert in HWiNFO here's a screenshot, it'll trigger at below 100rpm , play a sound and in this instance open Ccleaner to catch your attention.

Does HWiNFO have a persistent display like what I wa asking for? I don't want to just leave leave window open all all time.

If you mean like the old windows gadgets of years ago then no. You configure it and minimize it to the systray. If your fan stops it will play a sound, pop up an alert box and open an executable if you want it to catch your attention.

yeah I suppose my old methods won't work - not for fans.

I'll see if I can configure it to work, but my computer does go into a fanless mode so I would get false alerts.

yeah I suppose my old methods won't work - not for fans.

I'll see if I can configure it to work, but my computer does go into a fanless mode so I would get false alerts.
So how do you know its jammed and not gone into a fanless mode? If you can somehow tell I'd monitor the maximum temperature it normally reaches and set a temperature alarm at 5-10c above that to warn you.

Also if it supports your CPU you could run Core Temp as described in the post in the link. I linked there because it tells how to avoid the adware installer for Core Temp.

It may have sound alerts when you hit a certain temp. I know you can set it to show the temp in the system tray and have is show in Red when it is over the threshold. For Core Temp you should read about TJMax esp. if you have an AMD CPU as they are cagey about not telling the actual temp. You have to take account of the difference from TJMax and the temp reading.

Unless things changed since I used it last. Anyway Core Temp docs explain it better than I can.

Best tool for monitoring system fan?