
You CAN disable the preview pane!

I have looked everywhere. I just upgraded from Windows 7. I use Explorer ++ but it has limitations.
I have no use for a Preview Pane.


I don't know what explorer ++ is, but here is how to turn off the preview pane: Preview Pane - Show or Hide in Windows 8 File Explorer

Disable 'permanently': Preview Pane - Enable or Disable in Windows 8

(Works w/ Win10)

Explorer + + is an excellent File Explorer substitute that I have been using since XP.
Here is their URL: Explorer++ - A small and fast file manager for Windows
It has some limitations, therefore I still need File Explorer on occasion.

Btw, that RegEdit to disable the Preview Pane worked Perfectly. THX!!!!!

Good to hear. Though I have personally found explorer to work flawlessly myself, so I probably won't take you up on the offer. Thank you though.

I don't know what explorer ++ is, but here is how to turn off the preview pane: Preview Pane - Show or Hide in Windows 8 File Explorer

Disable 'permanently': Preview Pane - Enable or Disable in Windows 8

(Works w/ Win10)
Didn't work for me, I'm guessing you used option 1 but I couldn't find that so I went towards option 2. Had to download gpedit.msc since I'm on the home edition, and even then it didn't match up to the guide. The minor thing was File Explorer was changed to Windows Explorer, but majorly there weren't any options in that entire folder that matched what it was saying. There's literally no longer even a folder called Explorer Frame Pane, and no mention of Preview Pane anywhere near that section of the Group Policies.

I'm just trying to remove properties from a photo and running into this bug:

Over 6 months and still no fix apparently so I guess I have no choice but to use a 3rd-party file property stripper.

The really sad part is that this bug doesn't even make logical sense. If it were truly doing what it says, ("create a copy with all properties removed"), then there would never be a file-write access conflict to begin with. AFAIK you could always create copies of read-only files, and files that are currently open in another process. There must be some sort of editing attempted to get the error which means the "create copy.. etc." is a lie.

I have looked everywhere. I just upgraded from Windows 7. I use Explorer ++ but it has limitations.
I have no use for a Preview Pane.

You can use explorer with the preview pane off quite easily without reg. hacks.
If the preview pane is present, simply Click the View tab, and click Preview Pane.
Clicking Preview Pane is an on/off toggle. Not necessarily obvious. Same with Details Pane.

Just pressALT+Pwhile you're in Windows Explorer. That's it!

Alternatively, click the Preview Pane toggle button:

You CAN disable the preview pane!