
Ctrl + Home/End Not Working Notepad Win10

Installed Win10 on my PC. Everything works perfect except this.

I use my notepad a lot and would really like to get this straightened out.

As of now: Ctrl + Home goes to the front of my current line. Ctrl + End goes the the end of my current line. It should take me to the top of the page or the end of the page. Page Up and Page Down work correctly. Ctrl + Home/End works correctly in every program exceptfor notepad.

Any help?

Hello Jem,

It looks as if the Ctrl key is not working in Notepad. Do the Home and End keys work on their own and move the cursor to the beginning and end of each line?

What about shift + End? Does this select the text?

What about Ctrl + Shift + End? Does this select to end of text or end of line?

Just trying to understand what is going on!


Do the Home and End keys work on their own and move the cursor to the beginning and end of each line?

What about shift + End? Does this select the text?

What about Ctrl + Shift + End? Does this select to end of text or end of line?



The problem is not with Notepad. The problem persists in all programs. Programs tested are this editor in the forum I am using right now, the program WordPad, and Notepad.

The problem is with my right Ctrl only.The left Ctrl is working.

The problem occurs no matter what keyboard I have plugged in. Currently use a wired Dell keyboard. Tried a wired Kensington keyboard and the same problem persisted; the right Ctrl + Home/End not working. Tried a wireless Dynex keyboard same problem.

Tried different USB ports as some are 2.0 and some 3.0 - same problem.

Could something in my registry been damaged? I use Ccleaner to fix registry issues and a game we play also has a registry bug fix specified to that game only. Otherwise I don't browse or poke in my registry.

I used to have Windows Vista and I recently clean installed Windows 10. The problem was not there when I had Vista but not sure if it appeared right after Win10 install or several days later.

Again, using the Ctrl + Home/End on the LEFT SIDE works. It is the RIGHT SIDE Ctrl + Home/End that is not functioning in any program, not just Notepad. I still want this problem fixed because I am very used to using the right side and don't wish to relearn with the left. If using the right side I don't have to look down at my keypad. If using the left I will have to look at my keys. Plus, I just want to know what went wrong?

This sounds as if your right Ctrl key has been disabled/remapped by something. If it was just one keyboard I would suggest a key malfunction but as it is all keyboards it must be in software or a registry hack to disable that particular key. You mentioned a game, some games will set up keys to do specific tasks, I wonder if that may be what has happened and the change has stuck or not been reversed correctly.

Perhaps. I should check on the game forum and see if anyone else who used the game's registry fix also has the same issue. The game is Mabinogi a Korean Distribute of Nexon recently available on Steam.

Thx for help.

Ctrl + Home/End Not Working Notepad Win10