
How do I remove the windows 365 popup from my windows 10 laptop

I got a new Dell laptop with Windows 10 installed on it. When you open a document, it has a pop up asking you to try windows 365. I had Office 2016 installed and I still get the pop up. Is there a way to stop the pop up? I have not been able to find anything useful in the setting so far. The pop up happens every time I open a document, so its getting a little annoying.

Thanks for the help.
Brian V

Guessing office 365. Have you tried uninstalling it? Right click on the icon under the all programs menu and click on uninstall. Checking to see what is in your startup?

Guessing office 365. Have you tried uninstalling it? Right click on the icon under the all programs menu and click on uninstall. Checking to see what is in your startup?
Good morning, thanks for the follow up. yes its office 365. I checked to see of the program was installed or even resided on the laptop and could not find anything. I think its just an advert for it or its stuffed in another file. it has three options: try it, Download it, or enter your activation key. Its like its there, but not there, is a weird way.

That popup seems to appear when trying to open a file created in one of the Office suite's applications if one doesn't have it installed. Microsoft includes it with Windows, I usually just uninstall it. I have Office 2010 install but there's still a Get Office icon/App in the Start menu. It can be right-clicked and Uninstall.

I will look again for it. I checked under programs and in the notification section but came up with nothing last night (I don't have the laptop with me at work today). I will start with the start menu and go from there. the good side i guess is its not holding anything up, its just a little annoying to have to close it each time I open a document.

Or go to Start/Search and type appwiz.cpl and press enter, In Programs and Features, look for Microsoft Office 365 andUninstallit.

Well, regardless of all the searching I have done, I have had no luck in finding anything related to office 365. I can always stop at a Microsoft store and see what they think as well. Thanks for everyone's input. I did learn more about the Windows 10 setting and so on as a bi-product of all the searching

I think it shows up in the Universal Applications list as "Microsoft Office 365click-to-run" or something like that. I usually trash it right after a clean install or any upgrade.

Well, for what ever reason, the office 365 pop up has stopped showing. not sure why, nothing was deleted, as nothing related was ever found. its another mystery. This is good though. Thanks all for the suggestions. Hopefully it does not come back

How do I remove the windows 365 popup from my windows 10 laptop