
Can't get in to my new Win10 Home laptop - invalid pin

Sorry.... new to 10. Where/How do I get to settings icon/and-or screen if I cant login via pin and/or password ?

Thanks TrinAz

Hello Trinaz,

If this is for a Microsoft account, then you could use OPTION THREE below to reset you password online at Microsoft. If you PC is online, the new password will sync, and you will be able to sign in with the new password.

Password of User Account - Reset in Windows 10

Hope this is the right forum...we have a brand new Lenovo G50-80 Laptop. Looks great but we can't log on ? I've looked at Binks reset tutorial but there doesn't seem to be anywhere on the sign in screen to get to "settings" (jpg 1)

Now understand I am completely new to 10. Where does the original "pin" come from ? Unfortunately...I did not start this new laptop up the first time so I have no idea what was originally presented on the screen for setup. All I know is neither the pin nor the Microsoft password allows us into the laptop

What's the difference between a Microsoft account and a "local" account as far as passwords go ?

Any ideas on how to reset either whatever 'pin' was assigned by MS...or the MS account password...or if no MS account password...then the local machine account password or pin

Windows 10 home was preinstalled on the laptop...can not find anyway to id the version of 10 ?

reset password/pin probably thru settings but I have no way on the sign in screen I can see that gives me access to settings ?

Thanks so much to anyone that can help !!!


Were you not able to do OPTION THREE on another computer if you're using a Microsoft account (email address)?

Were you not able to do OPTION THREE on another computer if you're using a Microsoft account (email address)?
Yes have reset twice...now it takes the new password but we get the following:

Your device is off line. Please sign in with the last password used on this device.

The internet icon tho says connected at the same time ?


If you're able to successfully enter the last password before resetting, it should then be able to sync once online if you have sync your settings turned on.

Sync Settings - Turn On or Off in Windows 10

OK...finally in and connected...something in the wireless setup kept failing...have connected the laptop via Ethernet cable to router and voila...were in !!

Now...how do I fix the wireless problem...where in Win 10 Home can I check and/or reconfigure the wireless setup info for our router and the laptop ?


Good news for being able to sign in.

As for the wireless connection, you might see if deleting the wireless profile, and starting over by connecting to the wireless network afterwards to create a new profile may help. Since you are connecting to a router, double check to see if you have MAC filtering enabled or not for the router, and if so, have the laptop allowed to access the router.

Wireless Network Profile - Delete in Windows 10

Wireless Network - Connect To in Windows 10

Can't get in to my new Win10 Home laptop - invalid pin