
Do IE 11 Favorites sync in Windows 10?

I have just upgraded my laptop, tablet , and Desktop to Windows 10. I am using IE 11 until I can use Last Pass on Edge. Do Favorites sync across these devices? I can't find a clear answer to this question. In Windows 7 I synced them by putting them in OneDrive.

Hello Ron, and welcome to windowssh blog.

Yes, but you must sign in to each device (PC) with the same Microsoft account, have Sync settings turned on with "Internet Explorer settings" also turned on.

Sync Settings - Turn On or Off in Windows 10

If you like, you can also manually export and import your IE favorites.

Internet Explorer Favorites - Import or Export with HTM in Windows 10

Thank you for your fast reply. I have done the above. I just leave the favorites in the user/favorites folder and win 10 will move them to the other devices? And keep them in sync?

It won't actually move them, but sync (copy) them to the other devices. Sometimes it may take 24 hours to sync though.

Nothing has happened yet, 12 hours. If I understand this correctly, my favorites in my User/Favorites folder on my other computer will change to reflect what I have done to my favorites on another computer? How can Microsoft get into my user folders to change them?

If you are signed in to both computers with the same Microsoft account and both PCs are connected the Internet, they should automatically sync your settings (including IE11 Favorites).

Are both PCs listed as trusted devices for your Microsoft account?

Microsoft Account - Add or Remove Trusted Devices

If this hasn't happened within 24 hours, then it may be best to manually copy them over for now until sync decides to kick in.

They are both trusted. 48 hours, nothing has happened. How can the sync occur when my favorites are in the User/Favorites folders on my C:/ drive and no one has access to them? Doesn't this need to happen on a Microsoft server and then what purpose would my Favorites folders be on my hard drives?

A copy is kept online via your Microsoft account's OneDrive to sync with. You would still want to keep them in your Favorites folder since that is what Internet Explorer uses.

I would go ahead and just manually copy them over for now until sync decides to kick in.

Sync has never worked for me. No matter what I do, there is no syncing of favorites for IE 11.

Odd. They sync for me all the time. I suppose you could back up your favorites to, and be able to manually import them for now.

Do IE 11 Favorites sync in Windows 10?