
Email notification

I would be grateful if someone could explain if or how I can receive notification when emails arrive. I use an email client (eM Client) and if it is open I do get notification of the arrival of emails in both of my email accounts (GMX & Gmail).
However, when eM Client is closed I do not receive notification. Is this a matter to be dealt with in eM Client itself of can I get Windows 10 to notify me? I do not want Windows to take over the job of my email client, I just want notification of the arrival of emails whether or not eM Client is open or closed.

As a eM Client user, I would also be interested in any input to the opening post and the question asked

I would be grateful if someone could explain if or how I can receive notification when emails arrive. I use an email client (eM Client) and if it is open I do get notification of the arrival of emails in both of my email accounts (GMX & Gmail).
However, when eM Client is closed I do not receive notification. Is this a matter to be dealt with in eM Client itself of can I get Windows 10 to notify me? I do not want Windows to take over the job of my email client, I just want notification of the arrival of emails whether or not eM Client is open or closed.
First, I have to tell you, that I'm not an eM Client user. Have heard of this program, but that is all. So it may be relevant or not...

As I see your problem, you can do some of the following:
- always run em Client. This days computers have enough memory and CPU power so this should not to be a problem.
- configure Windows 10 Mail and calendar app to check for mail. In this case, notifications will be presented via Action center, but you can preserve eM Client as the default mail client, so mails will be opened with it. I have similar configuration, but with Outlook.

Also try to ask eM Client support, if they have some intentions to solve this problem for you.

Best luck.

Install both Microsoft .Net 2.0 and 3.0, then set that program as the email default.

Won't work like that, since em Client won't check the mail, if it's not running.

Within eM Clients' menu of many many choices is a click to make eM Client always "close," minimize to taskbar's icon notification area, which will then have an eM Client icon. And, when needed, right-clicking that icon will close eM Client just before I do a shutdown or sleep or hibernate.

Within eM Clients' menu of many many choices is a click to make eM Client always "close," minimize to taskbar's icon notification area, which will then have an eM Client icon. And, when needed, right-clicking that icon will close eM Client just before I do a shutdown or sleep or hibernate.
You have to run eM if you want it to check mail.
You don't have to close client before PC goes to sleep. Just keep it running.

I could not find anything definitive on the eM Client site re: Push notifications (P-IMAP)
other than Tools > Settings > General > Notifications

There are some vague references to IDLE IMAP - not sure if that really applies though.

The only real piece of help I saw that might apply is to launch eM Client at startup by placing it in the startup folder

Thanks everyone for your replies to my enquiry. The majority view seems to be that the solution is to start eM client on starting the laptop and keeping it minimised until shutdown. I shall do that in future. Thanks again.

Somewhere within eM Client, there is a place where you can "tell" eMC to automatically, upon Windows desktop start, send and receive email. Another click and a number will "tell" eMC to leave email on the email server or delete contents on the email servers in so many days. I must not using the best video resolution because I cannot find those choices right now. Will try again later.
For me, it became best to not let eMC automatically check, send/receive at Windows start; I do it manually now. What happened was: in those auto-days, if I shutdown or sleep or hibernate Windows session right during eMC active OPs -- I had a minor eMC database problem at the next Windows session.

Email notification