
Internet explorer bar stuck at stop of screen. Won't go away.

There is a bar going all the way across the top of my screen. It has the basic Internet Explorer icons (forward/back arrows, home icon, a search) and then a bunch of social media icons to the right. I don't want this there and can't find out how to remove it. Can anyone help? NOTE - I'm not talking about the task bar at the bottom of the screen. No amount of right clicking anywhere shows a menu to change this.

Hi, if you can't see what this is from your task manager, try installing WinSpy++ (free).
Drag the crosshair over that bar and see if it identifies the process.

Once done, please advise what it tells you and provide a screenshot of the mysterious bar.


Hello and welcome,

It seems you got some Adware in Internet Explorer.

Please download AdwCleaner and Save itto the Desktop.

Right clickon the program and choose Run as administrator.
You'll get the Terms of Usefor the program, click on I agree.
Please click the Scanbutton and be patient, you can open the logafter scanning and post it as attachmentor clean.

If you choose cleanall active programs will be closed and your computer will be rebooted. After the reboot a logfile will open, please attach the logfile in your next post.

The logfiles can also be found in C:AdwCleaner.
  • AdwCleaner[Sx].txt - xis the number of scans you did, please attach the highest number, unless you cleaned.
  • AdwCleaner[Cx].txt - x is the nu mber of cleans you did, please attach the highest number.

How is your computer doing now?

Okay - thanks for your help!
Here is the screenshot of the WinSpy++ response

And here is the bar

Yep, adware.

This is the more straightforward approach:

Whilst this is overwhelming.. but covers everything.
Web Bar Removal Guide

In other words, it may be awkward to remove and take some time.

That fixed it. Thanks guys!! I guess I should've thought of that. I've been a Mac user for a while now and just got a windows PC with Windows 10 (which I hate) and I honestly thought that was a legitimate Windows search bar. That explains why I couldn't find a setting to disable it.

Have a great weekend !!


I think Unchecky (see link in my signature). This will uncheck unwanted stuff for you.

Happy you're adware free.. yes, Unchecky can help where installers present check boxes for optional 'addons'.

Internet explorer bar stuck at stop of screen. Won't go away.