Anybody else notice this? Looks like a torrent!
Here some more information about that: Windows 10: Future updates can be delivered via P2P - Windows 10 blog
Thanks Ex-pat! I'd forgotten about Shawn's post. BTW... nice new avatar!
Thanks .
Got the caricature from a "concerned citizen" who didn't like the fact that I had a cigarette in my mouth in the old one. The original photo the new avatar is based on can be seen here.
p2p is not the same as torrent
I preferred the old one. I might even go and make a mock-up as a homage but I'll have to buy some cigarettes first. No worries - I was planning to anyway.
I think you must remind me what your hat looked like though.
No, of course not but the final update system when ready might include using torrents.
I believe that this feature will be quite useful. Take a home network with several computers as an example, it would be enough to get the updates for one computer then the rest of them could pick the updates from this already updated PC.
I realize that. Just making an observation of the similarity of the process, multiple sharing of like data. Faster downloads, in theory. I have nothing against it, as long as MS has the security locked down with Gorilla Glue! Thoughts?
Thoughts? It is an excellent idea. I had to try 7 or 8 times to download Office 2015 preview (for mac) as it would download 2GB and repeatedly give up.
p2p is far more reliable and far faster.
Still nothing of "No reboot" upgrading.