

Windows 8.1 had a guest feature you could enable or disable. I cannot find one on windows 10.

Right click the start icon, click on computer management, under the local users and groups own the users folder, right click the guest account and go to properties, uncheck account is disabled then hit apply, reboot.

Windows 8.1 had a guest feature you could enable or disable. I cannot find one on windows 10.

Windows 8.1 had a guest feature you could enable or disable. I cannot find one on windows 10.
I have this problem too. Just converted from 8.1 to 10 and cannot enable guest or other users. Tried all suggestions I found from searching internet and none work. Seem like I need to get at local users and groups in computer management but they don't show up as a menu item. Some info I've seen says I need to run gpedit.msc, but that is not in Win 10 home version and the only way to get it is to download it illegally. Got to be a way to get them back. Control panel/users only shows my account.

Having the same problem as lagunasrfr

Local users group does not show in computer management.

I have run Command Prompt (admin) with "net user guest /active:yes" showing as working however on login there is no guest to choose from?

Help please

Right click the start icon, click on computer management, under the local users and groups own the users folder, right click the guest account and go to properties, uncheck account is disabled then hit apply, reboot.

using cmd as admin net user guest /active:yes command worked for me, I still do not have option to manage guest account in control panel but when i switch user I can login as guest.. problem is that after logging in desktop with start keeps refreshing / reloading every 2 seconds and explorer.exe eating 100% processor usage
I upgraded to win 10 from win 7 homeand I was using guest account there, win 10 kept all user files but with the mentioned bug it is not possible to do anything under this guest account.
Are they going to fix it? I will wait few days and then downgrade back to WIN 7.

I've pretty.much resigned myself that the guest dilemma is a Windows bug. I have guest folders and guest SID.
NETUSER GUEST shows active. Hope MS is fixing ability to activate user account.

Go to control panel/user accounts/manage another account. Then click add another user in pc settings. Select 'add someone else to this pc'. Now when prompted to fill in e-mail select 'this person does not have an e-mail address'. At the next screen select 'add a person without a microsoft account'. On next screen select a dummy user name . I gave name of 'person' as ' Guest 1' and it set up a local account for the individual 'Guest 1' with no need to enter e-mail address or anything else

Finally, I set up a new account called VISITOR without an email address. Copied GUEST folders to VISITOR's. We're done with this.

Right click the start icon, click on computer management, under the local users and groups own the users folder, right click the guest account and go to properties, uncheck account is disabled then hit apply, reboot.
I have a Desktop with Win10 Home 64bit, and a Laptop with Win10 Pro 32 bit. On the laptop Win10 Pro, there IS a LOCAL USERS & GROUPS folder, but on the desktop Win10 Home there is not. I was able to add a GUEST to my laptop using the above procedure. But, I need the GUEST account on the desktop more than the laptop, I am in a quandary.

I did register a new user on the desktop with First Name=Guest, Last-Name=User and a fake email address, but this is cheating. I want a real honest GUEST account on the desktop. Any suggestions for us Home users?

I have a Desktop with Win10 Home 64bit, and a Laptop with Win10 Pro 32 bit. On the laptop Win10 Pro, there IS a LOCAL USERS & GROUPS folder, but on the desktop Win10 Home there is not. I was able to add a GUEST to my laptop using the above procedure. But, I need the GUEST account on the desktop more than the laptop, I am in a quandary.

I did register a new user on the desktop with First Name=Guest, Last-Name=User and a fake email address, but this is cheating. I want a real honest GUEST account on the desktop. Any suggestions for us Home users?
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See if this tutorial will help.
Account Type - Change in Windows 10 - Windows 10 blog

