Since the last Win 10 update my Google Toolbar won't list any search suggestions as I type and there is no search history listed. The Google tool bar will allow a search, but after a few searches no search history shows and no "clear search" button is listed either.
I have turnd on "Suggest searches as you type", and "store search histroy on my computer" in the Google Toolbar options.
Any suggestions to fix this?
I have also started to have this problem . The only way I have managed to get it back is to do a system restore but it then reverts after a couple of days .
I am sure there are some geniuses out there who can help !!! Have never been let down on this forum .
Same exact problem. Any help out there would be greatly appreciated.
Jon Grauer
Looks like the Google Toolbar is broken for now. Win 7 users are also complaining about the same issue since the recent Win 7 updates. There is some talk over at the Google blog so Google is aware of it. Will MS or Google fix it is the question. MS wants us to use Bing so they really aren't interested it fixing the problem. Google Toolbar version 7 is over 5 years old, Google Chrome browser doesn't have a Google Toolbar, the Google Toolbar doesn't work with the latest versions of Firefox and they announced that Google Toolbar won't support Firefox anymore. Plus a lot of the chronic Script errors in IE11 have be attributed to the Google Toolbar, uninstall the Toolbar and the errors go away.
Hopefully either MS or Google will fix this, or it's just going to be the end of it.
I send this (Report toolbar issue) to Google. so far no reply > There was no problems running W10 Pro with IE11 and GoogleToolbarInstaller_en32_signed.exe 7.5.4413.1752 installed...until it was updated with Microsoft KB3194798 (for 1607) this morning...These problems are mark in options > Suggest searches as you type and > Store search history on my computer...Please Advice
I am pleased that it is not my PC. Also pleased that people like fussybob has troubled to reply .
I have looked on the google blog and it does seem that their is now a number of problems has started after recent Win 10 updates .
Thanks to all that have replied
Microsoft is aware of the issue over on their forum. No ETA on fix, if any.
Yes...the scroll down history in the toolbar is very convenient for re-searching sites. It's irresponsible to let it go south!
Having same problem in Windows 7/64....Wonder which update may have caused this?
Yes the Win7 KB3194798 update is the problem. Same issue with Win 10 just a different KB update caused it.