
Update W-10 manually

Just discovered that the new version allows me to set do W-10 updates manually.

I do like it that way better. I check several times a day just like I do on W-7.

Just open Windows 10 Updates and select Choose how updates get installed.

Hmmmmm, good, hate automatic updates, I normally leave on Notify only.

Yea there's not a clear way to know the status of update either :/

I think we just need more information displayed concerning Windows Updates.
What is the update, what does it do, and I want to be able to decide the next step.
I'm not really interested in all the Bing stuff and updates for Bing.

Just discovered that the new version allows me to set do W-10 updates manually.

I do like it that way better. I check several times a day just like I do on W-7.

Just open Windows 10 Updates and select Choose how updates get installed.
Not for me yet.

Yea Bing what a pain this time I unselected use bing for search results,
It totally brings back the start menu search
Before with bing every time I type in the search and hit enter I would get spun to a bing search page

Not very practical type internet options.... and getting a silly bing search page
Now it doesn't do that

I have windows updates set for Just Windows not the other crud Microsoft is pushing
But did set it to alert of updates but let me decide whether to download and install them

So, fellow posters, you are saying that by default (NOT reg hacking) that you can now change the option for downloading updates, automatically or manually.?

Yep and narrow the update options to only windows I would imagine if your using a Microsoft account outlook.com.. and all the other default apps you wouldn't want to do that though,
But you can control when they update at the least,
I'm using a local account and use none of the built in apps they have all been uninstalled,
My bad some settings are still grayed out :/
Attachment 7458

Just discovered that the new version allows me to set do W-10 updates manually.

I do like it that way better. I check several times a day just like I do on W-7.

Just open Windows 10 Updates and select Choose how updates get installed.
Are you sure about this ? I did a fresh install 9860 and the option was disabled. I had to change it in Group Policy Editor to enable it.

I checked again and I can no longer do manual updates.
Now I get just like the picture in Thrashzone #8 post.
I have no idea how this happened.
It use to give me a option after checking for updates to (Install Now). It no longer does.

Update W-10 manually